Civil War Erupts Cornell Notes Topics Red Notes are White
Fort Sumter Fort in South Carolina where the Civil War Began
Secede to withdraw from or split away from The South seceded from the Union when Lincoln was elected president
Confederacy What the states that had seceded called themselves
Jefferson Davis Elected president of the Confederacy
Robert E. Lee Main commander of the Confederate army
Border States States between the North and the South - Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia and Maryland
Washington D.C. Capital of the Union
Richmond, Virginia Capital of the Confederacy
Abraham Lincoln President of the Union
King Cotton Cotton was the most important agricultural product in the South. The South made a great deal of money on exporting cotton
Anaconda Plan Union plan to cut the South in half making it difficult to supply the troops Named after a big snake
blockade an effort to cut off food, supplies, war material or communications from a particular area by force The Union tried to blockade the Confederacy