Microscope Vocabulary
Eyepiece Ocular = eye lens It is what you look through.
Nosepiece Rotate = moves around Magnification = makes the size seem bigger It holds the objective lenses to make things seem bigger.
Objective Lenses Low Power = a little bigger High Power = a lot bigger It is found on the nosepiece. They make things bigger.
Stage Clips They hold the slide in place.
Light Source It shines light upwards.
Arm The part of the microscope that is used to carry and help with supporting it.
Coarse Adjustment Knob Specimen = example of an organism View = see It moves the stage up and down.
Fine Adjustment Knob It makes for a sharper view. It’s like HD TV.
Diaphragm Adjust = to arrange or fix It adjusts the amount of light.
Base The bottom part of the microscope.
Stage It holds the slide. *It’s like a stage for a play. (It is where the action is.
Cover Slip It covers the slide.
Slide The plate the specimen is put on.
Power Magnification = make the size seem bigger How much bigger the object is made. Magnified Ruler
Microbes Micro = VERY small Organism = a living thing Very small living things.