Radioactive Ion-Beam Purification workshop CERN, September 4th 2007 Introduction J. Lettry CERN ATB
A “standard” ISOLDE target: ThO2-184, n-rich Cu RILIS Cu 60 mm thick Nb cavity m-bunching R&D = Optimization of : Cross section Release - Effusion (surf.-temp.) - Diffusion (grain size, temp) Ionization efficiency Selectivity Chemistry Ta-Oven 2000º Ta-transfer line Re-sleeve ThO2 Target, High Resolution mass Separator E-field Alkali- suppression Ta-converter: 1.4 GeV p neutrons N-induced Fission suppressed Spallation CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
Kr, Xe and Cs yields, Ta-W spallation n-source Selectivity of n-induced U-fission vs. 1GeV induced U-spallation The yields of very n-rich isotopes obtained via neutron induced fission of Th or U are close to those of high energy protons. Further developments: Geometrical optimum and n-reflectors UC2 + W-converter Spallation Fission CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
High temperature cavities for RILIS CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
RILIS’ Alkali suppression system Hg Mass marker Alkali suppression by 5 to 6 orders of magnitude Micro bunching selectivity factor 30 Ionization efficiency reduction by ~ 2 orders of magnitude CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
Target prototype: Quartz transfer line for alkali suppression Independently temperature controlled transfer line with quartz insert for alkaline suppression. On-line test results: Temp. from 600º to 1000º Cs and Rb reduced by 4 orders of magnitude Zn minimally delayed (RILIS) E. Bouquerel, R. Catheral, D. Carminati CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
ISOLDE UCx target, alkali suppression 142Cs for ISOLDE UCx: Yield = 8 108 ions/mC 104 suppression factor but time structure kept Suppress Alkalis (Cs, Rb) for pure beams of Cd, Zn CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
Ion-Sources - selectivity RILIS (Resonant Ionisation Laser Ion-sources) Chemical, isotopic and state selectivity, micro bunching FEBIAD (Forced Electron Beam Induced Arc Discharge) Thermo-chromatographic and chemical selectivity Molecular side bands Hot Surface Ion-Sources Alkalis and rare earth (LaB6, W, Ta, Nb, …) ECR Ion-sources (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) 2.45 GHz singly charged, … > 18 GHz multi charged KENIS (Kinetic Ejection Negative Ion-Source) Cs-sputtering CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
Suppression ratios f(T½) Release function Pi(t) and suppression factor RF-ratio (T1/2) of 90Kr vs. an arbitrary contaminant. The Released fractions RF(T1/2) of 90Kr and of the arbitrary contaminant are indicated. CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry
Conclusion We shall proceed towards numerical assessment The Beam Purity BP is the ratio of the desired isotope yield to all other, including molecular side bands and multiple charge states. BP is a function of: Cross sections target thickness and projectile nature and flux Mass resolution Ion-source efficiencies Release fractions (diffusion effusion ad-de-sorbtion enthalpies) Chemical nature of element, surfaces (ad-ab-de-sorbtion enthalpies) and surface purities Physics setup requirements, down stream recontamination (Traps, ECR 1-n+ EBIS) are mandatory inputs. 1st step BP is within reach, considering only element pairs for each target and ion-source. CERN sept 4 2007 J. Lettry