Jobs THAT are disappearing but still needed Aleksandra Tomiczak
BEEKEEPER Everyone knows that honey is good for our health. Honey is produced by beekeepers in bee yards. But in last years we have seen that this profession isn’t as common as earlier. Why? Beekeepers have noticed that lots of bees don’t come back to their beehives. Bees have limited time of flight and because of human activity their work is harder. They have to fly and find proper flowers longer because lots of plants are cultivated by chemical fertilizers. They often don’t manage with that and die. We can also notice that this profession is more popular among hobbyists than among poeple who want to consider this like a normal job.
SHOEMAKER In the past poeple didn’t buy shoes in shops, they bought them in a shoemaker’s workbench. Why is this job disappearing these days? The first reason is that lots of people would rather buy new shoes in shop chains than repair their old shoes. Young poeple have also got a little chance to learn this job because there are very few places where they have a possibility to learn it.
SMITH In the past, in every village there were smith’s workshops which were called forges. Smiths formed metal everyday objects like kettles, tools, weapons and they also shoed horses. In the past their work was very hard because they didn’t have mechanical and electrical tools. Nowadays people don’t use subjects like kettles and can do lots of activities by themselves because of technological development. At present, the most popular smith’s activity is shoeing horses which is much more responsible than making objects, because putting a horseshoe in a wrong way can equal horses’ disability.
SADDLER Saddler is a person who makes objects from leather. Nowadays poeple don’t use as many leather subjects as in the past. People used to buy subjects from plastic and other artificial materials. Also, saddlers have got a problem with gaining exerience, like shoemakers. Nowadays, they repair and make saddles, cheekpiece and other equestrian equipment. There are very few saddlers and they usually learn from fathers or grandfathers.
CLOCKMAKER The profession of a clockmaker goes away with time and mainly because of technological development. One of the clockmakers said that a clock has a soul but people don’t appreciate it. This is true because people choose from from wholesale, cheap production. We have battery clocks, digital watches and phones where we can also check time. Apple Watch or Smartwatch are becoming more and more popular. They have a possibility to connect with a phone. This is the reason why traditional clocks have become less popular and clockmakers haven’t got much work.