Early Middle Ages Through the Crusades
England 1066 William the Conquer becomes William I of ________ 1215 King John looses lots of land in wars Will tax the _________ To prevent Rebellion he signs the _________ King must get Noble’s permission to __________ Couldn’t arrest and imprison without just cause Limits _________________!!!!!!!!! 1st document to limit government’s power England Nobles Magna Carta Raise Taxes King’s Power
The Rest of Europe After Charlemagne the empire was divided West - ________ generally remains unified East - _________ smaller states, ruled by Dukes 936 Otto the Great becomes King of _______ Will help Pope John XII when challenged by the nobles Pope will crown him____________________ By 1100s HRE will be ________ not inherited Must be crowned by the _________ France Germany Germans Holy Roman Emperor Elected Pope
Spain Located on __________________ Controlled by the Moors = _____________ 722 Christians begin to try and force them out Take advantage of Muslim civil war in 1000s Attempt to take back Iberian Peninsula Known as _________________ 1236, 3 Christian Kingdoms working together ________ - Queen Isabella ________ - King Ferdinand ____________ Only Muslim kingdom left is ___________, surrenders in ______ Iberian Peninsula Muslims Reconquista Castile Aragon Portugal Granada 1492
Power of the Church Bishops making day to day religious decisions Popes becoming corrupt Simony - _________________________________ Pope Leo IX – first to try to right the clergy 1054 Excommunicated Constantinople Bishop Pope’s supporters - ________________ Bishops supporters - _______________ Buying and selling of Church offices Roman Catholics Orthodox Catholic Orthodox
Crusades Religious Wars – launched by Christians to take _________ back from Muslims Turks attack Constantinople Pope Urban calls _____________________ Set aside differences Slogan: ___________________ 9 crusades, 1st successful, the rest not 1291-Muslims had driven the Christians out of the Holy Land Holy Land Council of Clermont “God Wills It”
Effects Strengthened existing ______ routes ______ owners didn’t return, Kings gained more Land = more _________ Participants became more _________ Others became more intolerant especially of non-Christians such as ________ Trade Land Power Tolerant Jews