How was your school trip?


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Presentation transcript:

How was your school trip? Unit 11 How was your school trip? Period One Section A(1a~1c)

What did you do last Sunday? played basketball watched TV played soccer read books did homework went to the movies … Did you play/ watch/ do…last Sunday? , I did. , I didn't. How was your weekend? It was fantastic/ great/ good/OK/boring…

What did I do last Sunday? Guess! Did you …? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. I went shopping last Sunday. (go--went)

My pen friend Tina had a school trip last weekend. Where did she go? Can you guess? Tina

aquarium go to the went

What animals can she see in the aquarium? dolphin seal (n. 海狮) starfish sea horse shark (n. 鲨鱼) octopus (n. 章鱼)

Let’s match! starfish octopus dolphin seal seahorse shark

Were there any seals in the aquarium? ,there were .There were some seals in the aquarium.

Were there any sharks in the aquarium? ,there were .There were some sharks in the aquarium.

Were there any dogs in the aquarium? ,there weren't .There weren’t any sharks in the aquarium.

Pairwork dolphins seals Were there any … in the aquarium? Yes, there were. There were some... / No, there weren’t. There weren't any... sharks

In the aquarium,What did Tina do? see some seals saw see some sharks

What else did she do on her trip? Tina’s friends hang out (闲逛 ) with her friends hung

had / ate a hamburger met Justin Bieber took photos got his autograph 亲笔签名

souvenir (纪念品) buy s bought as gifts (礼物)

What did Tina do on her trip? Listen and circle the expressions in the box. 1b Kevin went to the aquarium took photos went to the zoo had a hamburger ate some ice cream hung out with her friends saw some seals bought a souvenir saw some sharks Tina

Let’s listen and imitate! 1b Let’s listen and imitate! Let's listen! Kevin: Hi, Tina. How was your school trip? Tina: It was fantastic, really fantastic. Kevin: Did you go to the zoo? Tina: No, I didn’t. I went to the aquarium. Look, here are my photos. Kevin: Were there any sharks? Tina: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals. Kevin: Wow, that sounds wonderful. What else did you do? Tina: Well, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos.

was had went saw hung met took got Tina’s happy trip bought Tina ____ a great trip last Sunday. First, she _____ to an aquarium . She _____some seals and sharks in it. Next, she ______ out with her friends. For lunch, she _____ a hamburger. After that, she _____ Justin bieber. She ____ photos with him and also _____ his autograph. She ____ very excited. On her way home, she _____some souvenirs as gifts for her parents. had went saw hung had/ate met took got was bought

Group work Interview your classmates and fill in the chart, then make a report. Questions: 1. How was your National Day holiday? 2. Where did you go? 3. What did you do? 4. Did you…? Name How Place Activities Tom fantastic zoo saw some animals Mike … Report: In my group, Tom’s holiday was fantastic. He went to the zoo and saw some animals. Mike… And I …We all had a great time!

What did you learn in this class? went to the aquarium took photos hung out with friends saw some seals bought a souvenir got one’s autograph Did you go to the zoo? ,I did. ,I didn't Were there any sharks? , there were. ,there weren't

Homework: Level A: Copy the new words for 4 times. Summarize the simple past of the verbs learnt in this lesson. Continue to finish the group report. Level B: Write a composition about your last trip.