The Coleraine University Controversy 1965
Background Because of the large increase in the numbers of young people going to University by the 1960’s (especially Catholics), due to the introduction of Free Education by the British Government after World War II, the issue of providing more College places had become a serious one.
In 1961, the Robbins Report on Higher Education recommended that N In 1961, the Robbins Report on Higher Education recommended that N. Ireland should have a 2nd University. At that time the only University was in Belfast (Queen’s University). There was strong opinion in Derry that it would be the ideal and obvious choice for this new University.
Reasons to choose Derry Derry was N. Ireland’s 2nd largest city, after Belfast. It is located in the West of the Province; Belfast is in the East. Derry already had a small College (Magee College) which served as a feeder college for Queen’s in Belfast. There was strong cross-community support (ie: Protestants and Catholics) for selecting Derry.
The Lockwood Report Chaired by Mr. John Lockwood, a Committee was set up to look into whether to build a second University. The Committee was made up of 7 people from the field of Education, however they were all Protestants. On 10 Feb. 1965, the Lockwood Report entitled “Higher Education in N. Ireland” was published. The Report stated that it believed a 2nd University was needed, and went on to suggest a location for the University, even though it had not been required to do this under the terms of the Committee.
The Committee recommended the University be built in the small town of Coleraine, and not in Derry, Armagh or Craigavon. Furthermore the Report recommended that once a new University was built, Magee College in Derry would no longer be required, and should be closed. The reaction of the people and politicians of Derry was both shock and anger. In particular, Catholics believed that this once again showed that Unionist dominance would mean that Catholics would always be badly treated.
Consequences This decision damaged the work that Terence O’Neill had done in trying to build a better relationship with Catholics. The belief of many was that it proved that “the Unionist leopard will never change its spots”.
Travelling to Stormont The people of Derry now decided that as many people as possible should go to Stormont and put their case to O’Neill, before the government made a final decision. On Feb. 18th 1965, a motorcade of 2000 vehicles drove to Stormont, led by Nationalist MP for Derry, Eddie McAteer, but also the Unionist Mayor of Derry, Albert Anderson.
Approx. 25,000 people took part in the demonstration. This is almost half of the adult population of Derry! There was total unity across the religious divide in Derry on this issue.
O’Neill & The “Faceless Men” The following day (Feb. 19th), Terence O’ Neill secretly met with some leading Unionists from Derry. These Unionists did not want Magee College closed, but neither did they want a new University in the city. Their reason centred on the fact that a new university could threaten Unionist political domination of the city, due to greater numbers of Catholics coming to Derry, and a growing level of education for Catholics.
Debate at Stormont During a 3 day debate in Stormont in March of 1965, there was much criticism of the Report, even from Unionist MP’s. However, when it came to a vote, the Party whip was applied, which meant all Unionists were instructed to vote in favour of the decision (although 2 Unionist did vote against). As a result, the governments proposal to accept the Lockwood recommendation was carried by 27 votes to 19. However, O’Neill did agree to leave Magee College open, as a branch the new University of Ulster, Coleraine.
Fallout from the decision The government refused to change its mind on the decision. In May, Dr. Robert Nixon, a Unionist, alleged that “nameless, faceless men” had gone to Stormont from Derry and advised against situating the new University there. The government denied any conspiracy, but also denied any meeting. 30 years later, when the files were finally released, it showed that such a meeting had in fact taken place. It also emerged from the same files that Lockwood had asked the government for its views before it published its recommendations, however the files contained no information on what views, if any, O’Neill’s government had given.
Why was Coleraine chosen? Opinion is divided on this question. Many Unionists firmly believe that Lockwood made his decision for entirely non-sectarian reasons and was not influenced by political pressure. However, many others believe that there were clear reasons for Lockwood’s choice…….
Sectarian (religious) tensions in Derry City did not make it a suitable site for a university. Derry city was 70% Catholic and Unionists were afraid that the arrival of staff and students would upset the gerrymandered Unionist control of the city. Certain leading Unionists ( the “nameless, faceless men”) had influenced O’Neill. The minutes of the secret meetings seem to show that O’Neill shared the views of the “faceless men”, because at one point he asked: “if Derry industrialised, how is it possible to insure against a radical increase in R.C. papes?”
Other Reasons… Magee College was too small and in need of repair and no new site was offered by Derry. Coleraine was solidly Protestant and free from sectarian tensions. Nearby seaside towns of Portrush and Portstewart could offer cheap accommodation for students, while there was a shortage of student accommodation in Derry.