Welcome to Back-to-School Night Miss Lundell
All about me I have 3 older sisters, wonderful parents, and a dog named Tobey! I went to school in Florida for the accelerated teacher program and received the “Most Outstanding Graduate” award I worked in New Brunswick the past 2 years. I fully am dedicated to this job and excited to teach all of your children!
Class Schedule 8:40- 10:16 Literacy Block Writer’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop 10:18- 11:05 Special 11:09- 12:09 Lunch and Recess 12:11- 12:47 Science/ Social Studies 12:49- 1:36 Math/Snack 1:38- 2:30 Daily 5 2:32- 3:15 Special/ Curricular Extension 3:15-3:20 Dismissal
Specials Schedule Monday -PE Tuesday -Library Wednesday -Computers Thursday -Art -Music Friday -Spanish
Language Arts Writers Workshop Launching writers workshop Small Moments All About Books How-to Books Poetry Realistic Fiction Opinion Writing Readers Workshop & Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Spelling/Word Work Work on Writing Guided Reading Conferencing
Spelling Assessments are given twice a year to determine your child’s level Spelling lists are based on features that are able to be sorted Practice words every week at home. Spelling tests will only be 15 words every Friday. Handwriting
Math Houghton Mifflin – Math Expressions Standard Based Instruction Uses objects, drawings, conceptual language, and real-world situations to help students build mathematical ideas Allows for differentiation of instruction
Unit 4: Place Value Concepts Tens and Teens Place Value to 100 Addition Strategies Unit 5: Place Value Situations Find Patterns and Relationships Teen Solution Methods Unit 6: Comparisons and Data Represent and Compare Data Compare Problem Types Unit 7: Geometry, Measurement, and Equal Stories Tell and Write Time Shapes and Equal Shares Measurement and Order by Length Unit 8: Two-Digit Addition Add 2-Digit Numbers Unit 1: Partners and Number Patterns Through Ten Numbers Through Ten Patterns and Partners Through Ten Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Strategies Represent Addition Situations Solve Addition Situations Solve Addition Equations Solve Subtraction Equations Equation Exploration Unit 3: Unknown Numbers in Addition and Subtraction Counting on With Addition Situations Counting on With Subtraction Situations Mixed Story Problems
Social Studies Rules and Laws Where People Live We love our Country Our Changing World Meeting People The Marketplace
Science Light and Sound Air and Weather Plants and animals
Report Cards Report cards will be posted on Genesis all four marking periods. Report cards will be posted in the months of November, February, April, and June. Please note that report cards indicate developmental progress throughout the year.
Homework Monday Read for 10 minutes (log on recording sheet) Math worksheet (two-sided) Spelling list sent home for daily practice Tuesday Practice spelling words Wednesday Thursday Math worksheet or IXL math website for differentiation *Homework is repeated practice.
Homework 1. Reading Logs 2. Spelling 3. Math Log each book read Monday through Thursday. Hand-in log sheet each Friday Continue reading to your child 2. Spelling Make use of various activities to practice spelling words. Spelling Test every Friday 3. Math
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: I take care of myself. I take care of my classmates and teachers. I take care of my school Have fun! Never give up! Lundell loot Table points
Community Consequences Our classroom consequences change per situation, but there is a general outline. Warning (1-2-3) Stop and Think Phone Call Home Administrative Intervention
Birthday Information Birthday invitations can only be sent home via backpack if there is an invitation for each student in the class. Parents are invited to come in to read to the class on the birthday day. Please e-mail me a date you would like to come and read a book.
WHS WON THE 2017 National School of Character
Bucket Fillers! We will embark on the journey to become bucket fillers. Bucket Fillers is a springboard to the educational character development program Bucketfillers for Life developed by Merrill Lundgren. Basically it says that we all carry an invisible bucket that contains our feelings. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When our bucket is empty, we feel sad. A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things for other people. By doing this, they are filling other people's buckets and filling their own bucket at the same time. On the other hand, a bucket dipper says or does things to cause other people to feel bad. A bucket dipper empties their bucket when they say and do mean things. In our classroom, each student has a bucket. Everyone is encouraged to fill the buckets by writing kind words and compliments to each other. On Fridays, we empty the buckets and read the nice things our friends left for us when they filled our buckets.
Remind Notes on your desk Donate to our classroom! Our classroom Moms!
Let’s Have a GREAT Year! jlundell@readington.12.nj.us 908-534-4411 ext 4120