Year 7 Parent Information Evening Thursday 5th October 2017
Your children have made a great start! Much of this will affirm what you already know. The most important person is your child. Them, you and us: we are all in this together.
Year 7 is an important year Vital in developing the skills and attitudes that will enable GCSE success in future years. Children will settle in. Children will become more independent. Children will meet new people.
Year 7 is year of opportunity Chance to experience new subjects. Chance to take part in extra curricular activities.
Parents can help form positive routines Bag packing. Presentation. Homework Proof reading Getting up/going to bed Uniform
Parents need to be the BOSS Breakfast Organisation Sleep Showing an interest
How can you check how they have settled in? Do they know who their form tutor is? Can they tell which lessons they have on a particular day? Can they tell you the subjects they have homework? Can they point to the map of the school and locate their lessons? Remember to telephone/email at any point if needed.
Reports Issued 3 times a year Provide a snapshot view of the progress of your child Allows a judgement about how engaged your child is in their learning
They will be profiled primarily using: Reports From Report 2 the progress description will indicate whether your child is on track based on information we have compiled on them They will be profiled primarily using: KS2 data In addition we will take into account: Baseline tests conducted in the first weeks at Nailsea School CAT data once this is received
Interpreting your child’s report Report headings: A summary for Y10 and Y11 students Interpreting your child’s report Heading Description Target outcome The expected attainment level of the student based on KS2 data. Current Progress An assessment of how your child is doing based on teacher professional assessment of work to date. Predicted outcome Teacher assessment of the outcome your child is likely to achieve if current levels of effort and engagement are maintained. Behaviour in lessons An indicator of the way your child is behaving in lessons. Engagement in learning An indicator of the extent to which your child is engaging in the activities that are being completed in lesson and for homework.
Progress: Teacher Assessment When reading the booklet, please remember that as your child is in Year 10 they will have a target not a flightpath Assessment Description Exceeding Your child is doing better than expected – they are achieving above their target and making fast progress. Meeting Your child is working at the expected level – they are achieving in line with their target and making expected progress. Not Currently Meeting Your child is currently working below the expected level – they are performing below their target and will have received clear suggestions on how to improve. Of Concern A teacher will give this assessment if they are really concerned about the progress of your child – they are performing well below their target and will have received clear suggestions on how to improve where possible. Where appropriate, intervention and catch up support will be offered to help your child back on track.
Behaviour and Engagement descriptors Behaviour in Lessons Engagement in Learning Excellent Motivated Good Engaged Inconsistent Inactive Off-Task Disengaged
Cat Reports What are they? An objective test of developed abilities Help determine future attainment Provide focus for development to improve future outcomes
Measure student ability in: Verbal Reasoning Numerical Reasoning Cat Reports Measure student ability in: Verbal Reasoning Numerical Reasoning Non-verbal Reasoning Spatial ability For example: Verbal reasoning can be developed by supporting a student’s reading, comprehension and vocabulary
Rewards Students achieve 30 house points every week. Additional points are given for a variety of reasons. Points total monitored for both the house championship and individual rewards.
Show My Homework All students have now received their log in details. An app can be downloaded to your phone. Enables regular monitoring of homework that is set. Miss Laura Creswick available in room 161 if you need advice on how to use ShowMy Homework
Key Dates 2017/18 Thurs 19th Oct – Careers Fair Weds 14th Nov – Report 1 available for collection Weds 13th Dec – Christmas Dinner/Party Weds 31st Jan – Report 2 available for collection Thurs 8th March – Yr 7 Subject Evening Mon 4th June – Yr 7 Exams start Thurs 19th July – Report 3 available for collection
Communication Please remember these dates are NOT the only opportunities you have to find out about your child’s progress. Who else can you contact? Ms Sylvie Lloyd – Transition Manager Subject teachers/Heads of Department Tutor Assistant Heads of House e.g. Mr Hellier Head of House Senior Staff e.g. Miss Julie Baldwin – Assistant Headteacher
Additions to the Curriculum Tutor Group projects completed throughout the year. 3 Citizenship Days – Wednesday 15th November, Thursday 15th March, Tuesday 26th June
Quest for Success To help create a sense of belonging To encourage involvement in school life Bronze, silver and gold tasks Leading to a celebration event at the end of Year 7
Extra Curricular Opportunities Students were invited to Fresher’s fair held in our Atrium during lunch time. This allowed them to find out and sign up to any extra curricular clubs we have on offer.
Extra-curricular Activities Discuss with your child Encourage them to sign up You can contact the member of staff or tutor Invitations from staff