Joint Stock Company «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» O’zbekiston Respublikasi Aksiyadorlik Jamiati “O’ZBEKENERGO” Republic of Uzbekistan Joint Stock Company “UZBEKENERGO” Joint Stock Company «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» Tashkent 2016
General Information АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» Name of the Company «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» Joint Stock Company Legal and postal address 274, Buyuk Ipacj Yuly street, Tashkent Reception Tel/Fax (99871) 265-92-54; E-mail Corporate website Date of incorporation Established by the order No.442kPO by the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Regarding transformation of the state-owned enterprise under the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the Republic of Uzbekistan into Open Joint Stock Company” on 11 July, 1996. Registered by the decision Mirzo-Ulugbek district Khokim, Tashkent No.589 dated 06.07.1998 Bank details Mirzo-Ulugbeck District Branch Promstroy Bank Account No. 20 210 000 200 124 985 001 MFO 00399 TIN 200 523 561 ОКОНХ 69000 Authorized Fund 814 485,0 thousand UZS Number of shares 162 897 shares Nominal share value 5000 UZS Share of placement into free sale 74,56 % «Uzbekenergo» JSC 25,44 % АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
General Information JSC «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» consists of a Central Administration Department, 6-mechanized units (located in the Andijan, Namangan, Syrdarya, Khorezm regions, Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent), Namangan Subsidiary Enterprise (manufacture of 35-500 kV steel supports) Kuvasay Subsidiary Enterprise for concrete products (production of reinforced concrete supports for overhead power lines, foundations and other reinforced concrete products), as well as the Department of the production and technical completion. Construction JSC «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» is one of the leading enterprises in the Republic of Uzbekistan for production and construction of power transmission lines with a voltage 0.4-10-35-110-220-500 kV and substations with different voltage. АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Description of the Company History “UzSelelektrostroy" Trust was founded in 1936 in order to perform construction and installation works on the construction of new and reconstruction of existing power transmission lines (PTL) and electric substations (SS) with a voltage 0,4-6-10-35-110kV. Complete electrification of the Republic was made in due time, to a large extent by the own forces of our company. The work is performed by specialized mechanized units located in the Andijan, Ferghana, Namangan, Syrdarya, Tashkent, Khorezm regions, Republic of Karakalpakstan and Tashkent, which are equipped with special machines and machinery (cranes, support carriers, Auger trucks, TV towers, bulldozers, excavators and others with more than 300 descriptions), small-scale mechanization tools, tools and have qualified personnel for the construction of transmission lines and substations (line foremen, craftsmen, foremen, climbers, electricians, linesmen for the construction of transmission lines and substations, drivers and machine operators and other specialized equipment.). Based on No. 589 Resolution of the Mirzo Ulugbek district Khokim, Tashkent dated 06.07.1998, Orders of the State Property Committee of Uzbekistan No.442-k PO dated 11.07.1996, No. 63-k PO dated 12.05.1998, No. 298-k PO dated 19.09.2001 and № 12 Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26.01.1998, No.1 "Uzselelektrostroy» Trust starting July 7, 1998 has been reorganized into OJSC "Elektrqishloqqurilish“. Starting November 12, 2014 based on № 143 order of the "Elektrqishloqqurilish" OJSC dated 12.11.2014 "Elektrqishloqqurilish“ Open Joint Stock Company wad renamed into "Elektrqishloqqurilish“ Joint-Stock Company. АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Information regarding subsidiary and dependent enterprises The Company has one subsidiary - "Taiz Universal Service" DE LLC and one associated company - "Fargonamahsusenergomontazh" LLC which were established and carry out their activities in accordance with the law. "Taiz Universal Service" DE LLC is specialized in the production of overhead power line fittings for the needs of the power industry, as well as performing product localization projects in Uzbekistan. "Fargonamahsusenergomontazh" LLC is specialized in the construction of power lines and substations with different voltage under turnkey projects. АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Company’s description Company’s Management Corporate governance system consists of the following control bodies: General meeting of shareholders - supreme governing body; Supervisory Board; Audit committee; Sole executive body is represented by Director. Supervisory Board of the «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» JSC consists of 9 members: Isakulov D.A. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board – First Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board, “Uzbekenergo” JSC; Aytimbetov Sh.A. - Head of Capital Projects Department, "Uzelektroset“ UE; Namozov J.K. - Chief Legal Counsel, "Uzbekenergo“ JSC; Siradjev A.Z – Head of Department for Implementaion of Investment Projects, JSC "Uzbekenergo"; Abdurakhmanov F.M - Chairman of the Board, JSC "FIEM"; Mirgaliev M.M - Deputy Director General, JSC "Elektrtarmokkurilish"; Moskalenko AE - General Manager, "Sayreks“ LLC Enterprise with Foreign Investments Khusanov R.S. – professional Counsel, JSC "Elektrtarmokkurilish"; Khamidov K.T. - General Manager, JSC "Elektrtarmokkrilish" Executive Board Director gereal JSC «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» - Yusupbekov Yu.I. Since February 5, 2016 АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Information of the Authorized Fund Authorized Fund of the JSC «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH» is 814 485 000 UZS or 162 897 ordinary registered shares with a nominal value 5 000 UZS. Shareholders are as follows : Items Name of legal entities Share in the Authorized Fund Name of individuals % of the Authorized Fund Quantity of shares Legal entities 1 JSC “Uzbekenergo” 25,44 41 445 2 JSC “Electrotamoqqurilish" 30,26 49 293 3 JSC “Fargona Issiqliq Electro Markazi " 4,8 7 880 4 JSC “Syradyo Hududiy Electrotarmoqlary Korhonasi" 0,13 223 5 Other shareholders, individuals 39,32 64 056 Total 100 162 897 Produced additional issue of securities in the amount of 18.5% in the amount of 37,103 units worth 185 815 000 soums. Put up for sale at a cost of $ 20 za1 pieces. АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Human Resources As of 01.01.2016, the average number of company employees is 963 people (for reference: the listed number for the reporting year is 912 people on average. № Category of employees Headcount 1 Managerial staff 97 2 Production personnel – managers 81 3 Production personnel – workers 598 4 Specialist 17 5 Technical personnel 34 6 Service personnel 85 Total in the enterprise 912 АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
Licenses for the main activity АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
General Information At present the Joint Stock Company has the following construction and road machines and facilities MACHINES (tractor, excavator, earthmover and etc) SPECIAL MACHINES (crane truck, AFD, fire rescue and etc) № Car make Type plate No. 1. BULLDOZER Т- 130 Б/Н 1988 2. BULLDOZER Т- 130 Д 66 20/ АА 195 1984 3. CHINGAN RD 254 20/ АА 199 2012 4. ЭО – 2621 11-71 ЕР 5 Т- 130 N 74 - 1986 6 SHANTU – SD – 16 96-68 НБ 7. МТЗ – 82 11-73 ЕР 8. HUNDAY W-7 88-42 НБ 2004 9 XCMG (Экс) 2014 10. БМ – 205 11-70 ЕР 1990 11. ТТЗ – 80.10 96-89 НБ 12. COMPRESSOR 1995 13. ТТЗ – 8010 95/ АА 631 14. ЭО-2821 95/ АА 621 15. Т-170 95/ АА 620 16 ТТЗ – 2302 95/ АА 617 2011 17. ДТ – 75 95/ АА 623 1975 18. ЭПФЦ 08 44 НУ 2013 19. ЭО 2621 В-3 27 49 НЕ 2006 20. ТТЗ – 80 21-43 ЕУ 21 К – 700 21-42 ЕУ 22. ТТЗ- 80-10 90/ 272 АА 23. EXCAVATOR with HYDRAULIC HAMMER б/н 2015 24 50/ 530 АА 1989 25. МТЗ – 80 50/ 534 АА 1985 26. Т-28Х4 МС 1 50/ 528 АА 1991 27. К-700 50/ 529 АА 28 ЮМЗ – 6 КЛ 50 АА 537 29 Т – 28 Х4 МС 1 37-33 НГ 30 К 701 23-97 НГ 31 ДЗ – 110 А 18-92 НГ 32 18-54 ЕМ № Car make Plate Number Year of manufacture 1. ГАЗ – 52 ТВ - 15 60/ 056 НАА 1982 2. ЗИЛ – 131 ТВ - 26 60/ 043 НАА 1986 3. БКГМ - 66 60/ 062 НАА 1981 4. 60/ 042 НАА 1990 5 ЗИЛ - 431410 60/ 048 НАА 1989 6 МАЗ СМК 101 60/ 061 НАА 7. КРАЗ - 250 60/ 059 НАА 8. КРАЗ – 257 60/ 063 НАА 9 КАМАЗ КС 55713 – 1 k 60/086 SAA 2008 10. ЗИЛ – 131 60/ 052 НАА 1988 11. МАЗ - 509 60/ 325 NAA 1987 12. КАМАЗ - 5511 60/ 057 НАА 13. КАМАЗ – 5410 60/ 084 НАА 14. МАЗ 5334 СМК 101 20/ 042 DAA 1985 15. МАЗ 53347 СМК 101 20/ 045 DAA 1996 16 КРАЗ – 257 КС 4561 20/ 041 DAA 17. 20/ 038 DAA 18. 20/ 048 DAA 19. ЗИЛ 131 МРК 750 20/ 049 DAA 20. ГАЗ – 66 МРСБ 20/ 051 DAA 21 ЯМАБУР МТЗ - 82 20/ АА 195 22. ГАЗ - 53 01/ 054 ВСА 23. 01/ 769 QBA 24 АВТОПОГРУЗЧИК Б/Н 1984 25. КС 3577-3 01/ 317 КАА 26. HUNDAY 88-42 НВ 2004 27. КС - 25261 01/ 648 QBA 28 KC - 2561 01/ 580 QBA 29 БМ - 302 01/ 576 QBA 30 01/ 508 QBA 31 01/ 102 ВСА 32 СМК- 101 01/ 624 QBA 34. КС - 4561 01/ 847 QBA 35. КС- 45721 01/ 347 АДА 2013 АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
MOTOR VEHICLES № Car make Plate number Year of manufacture 1. НЕКСИЯ 60/ 314 UAA 2012 2. ТИКО 60/ 073 НАА 2002 3. ДАМАС 60/ 125 НАА 4. 60/ 041 НАА 1996 5. 20/ 058 DAA 6. 20/ 658 AAA 1997 7. ГАЗ - 31029 20/ 035 DAA 1995 8. 01/ 938 САА 2008 9. 01/ 308 QCA 1992 10. ГАЗ 31029 01/ 674 QBA 1993 11. ВАЗ 2107 01/ 676 PBA 2004 12. ЛАСЕТТИ 01/ 932 VCA 2011 13. УАЗ - 31512 01/ 058 BCA 14. УАЗ - 315148 095 01/ 012 YCA 15. ГАЗ - 3110 01/ 511 СВА 2000 17. 01/ 181 QBA 18. КОБОЛЬТ 01/848 СВА 2014 19. УАЗ - 315148-095 01/ 263 ХСА 20 ГАЗ - 3102 01/ 031 ВСА 20. 95/ 598 ДАА 21. 95/ 049 ДАА 22. 95/ 579 ДАА 1998 23. УАЗ - 31514 01/ 956 ДАА 24. НИВА - 21310 95/ 047 ДАА 2015 25. 90/ 669 КАА 2009 26. 90/ 673 КАА 27. ЛАДА ВИС 234610-40 90/ 534 КАА 28. 90/ 521 МАА 2010 29. 50/ 138 ААА 2007 30. 50/ 690 АAA 31. 50/ 969 FAA 1988 32. ВАЗ 11184 50/ 017 FAA 33. 50/ 363 GAA 34. ГАЗ 2410 50/ 359 GAA 35. УАЗ - 301512 40/ 572 SAA 36. .ДАМАС 40/ 257 ААА 2006 37. ЛАДА 2170 40/ 207 ААА 38. 39. ГАЗ - 310290 50/810 NAA 40. 50/ 977 FAA 41 ГАЗ - 2411 50/ 940 FAA 1991
MARKET ANALYSES Products of the "Elektrkishlokkurilish" JSC are in demand both in the domestic market and foreign markets. Concrete products, hardware, products, and coupling fittings and consumer goods are goods of daily demand and required for local residents. However, its production is still not settled in the republic in full demand, despite having rich resource base. Production of high-quality products of local production, oriented to receive import- substituting commodity products, which fully meet requirements of the domestic and international markets. Constantly working in the field of production and sales of consumer goods, the company has created strong and reliable partnership relations with many organizations of the republic, and has established itself as a reliable provider of electrification services. JSC "Elektrkishloqqurilish" has developed a program of marketing research of the local market and enters into contracts for sale and distribution of finished products to enterprises with various forms of ownership, as well as to individuals. АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»
STRENGTHS - Proximity of fuel and energy resources (natural gas and electricity); - Availability of transport infrastructure; - Long-standing reputation, experience and competence of the enterprise in the field of construction and installation works; - High production capacity to fulfill large orders; - Wide range of species for construction works; - Avaiulability of regular customers for certain types of products; - For some types of construction and installation work it is a sole executor in the Republic of Uzbekistan; - High qualified personnel; - Availability of our own facility for training of the company’s workers; WEAKNESSES - Availability of construction and assembly enterprises in the Republic of Uzbekistan offering a similar scope of services at a price below the prices offered by the JSC "Elektrkishlokkurilish"; - High cost of transport logistics (fuel, lubricants and spare parts) - Outdated machinery for construction and installation works not allowing to compete with other more updated companies for construction and assembly work, as well as outdated production technology not allowing to compete on price with Russian and Chinese manufacturers for the sale of products used during construction and installation works; АО «ELEKTRQISHLOQQURILISH»