Click here to start game Welcome to the… Cathie Murphy 2012 Click here to start game
Click here to start game. Directions Click here to start game. Read each question. Click on the correct answer. If you are correct, you will automatically be taken to the next question. If you are incorrect, you will be returned to the beginning of the game. To end your game, click on the red button in the bottom right corner. Click here to begin the game. End Game
$1,000 What am I? Silicon Tubes Vacuum Tubes Rubber Tubes End Game
Back to the beginning!!! End Game
You are 100% Correct!!! Great Job! End Game
$3,000 What am I? Command Interface Graphical Interface Computer Interface End Game
We have a winner! The Prize! End Game
$5,000 What am I? Computer Interface Command Interface Graphical Interface End Game
Victory is yours!!! The Award! End Game
$8,000 What am I? Video card Microprocessor Photo card End Game
You are a superhero! Superhero! End Game
$12,000 What am I? Computer Video Computer Image Computer Monitor End Game
You!!! Awesome! End Game
$15,000 What am I? Computer CPU Computer Operation Computer system unit End Game
Join the Celebration! Celebrate! End Game
$20,000 What am I? Input Device Output Device Board Device End Game
Thumbs up for you!!! Thummy! End Game
$30,000 What am I? CPU device Input device Output device End Game
Winning can come easy when you are armed with knowledge! Great Job! End Game
$40,000 What are we? Hardware Software CPU End Game
Squeak, Squeak! You are so right! Cheesy! End Game
$50,000 What are we? Hardware CPU Software End Game
Success comes one slide at a time! Money!!! End Game
$50,000 What am I? Video drive Hard drive CPU End Game
Knowledge is power! Power! End Game
$60,000 What am I? Video drive RAM CPU End Game
Wait…just you! Only you! End Game
$70,000 What am I? Video drive RAM CPU End Game
Welcome to a Winner’s World! Winner’s circle! End Game
$80,000 What am I? motherboard operating board Circular board End Game
Crowning the winner! #1 End Game
$90,000 What are we? Electrical currents Outputs Ports End Game
Way to drive forward! Fantastic! End Game
$100,000 What am I? database spreadsheet Word processor End Game
You are a star! Star!!! End Game
$200,000 What are we? Floppy Disks Flash Doors Hard Drives End Game
Way to spread your wings! The Cape Crusaders! End Game
$300,000 What am I? Output Input CPU End Game
No medaling around! Great job! Award winning! End Game
$400,000 What am I? Internal operating system External operating system Manual operating system End Game
Climbing the ladder of success. One step at a time! End Game
$500,000 What am I? Computer fan Computer windmill CPU fan End Game
Way to persevere! Marvelous End Game
This is your last & final question! Are you ready? Click for final question. End Game
$1,000,000 What am I? Internal System System Clock Clock Drive Systems End Game
$1,000,000 Congratulations! You have won For last slide.
Computer Components Game Thanks for playing!!! See you next time on the…. Cathie Murphy 2012 Click to re-start game. Click to end show.