Mathematics in a Secondary Teaching School Mark Dawes Comberton Village College [part of the Cambridge Area Teaching School]
Previous work Primary Schools Secondary Schools University departments in-class collaboration Secondary Schools leading training courses for departments supporting individual teachers in the classroom advising/supporting/creating schemes of work University departments Faculty of Education PGCE course NRICH GeoGebra Institute of Cambridge
Secondary National Strategy Initial idea/ materials/trialling Training for advisors/ consultants Training for Heads of Maths Passed on to teachers within their departments Impact on the pupils’ experiences in the classroom
Secondary National Strategy Impact on the pupils Passed on to teachers Training for Heads of Maths Training for advisors/consultants Initial idea
NCETM Funding for small-scale projects
MAST Specialist primary maths teachers
CATS CATS: A Cambridge city school, two rural Cambridgeshire schools and an Essex school. All have partner schools in challenging circumstances.
The future? 1] Ensuring that outreach work that we all offer continues, but that it is branded as CATS so we work together. 2] Working with Primary Schools (and Primary Teaching Schools). 3] Bringing teachers together to work on particular projects of interest to their school. 4] Beyond mathematics?