Workshop on transportation routes Region South-South East 24th November 2006, Vienna
Route description – capacity situation (1) UKRAINE-SK-CZ-GER (Velke Kapusany - Waidhaus) section 1: Velke Kapusany – Lanžot section 2: Lanžot – Waidhaus design capacity (*) available firm capacity entry Velke Kapusany 301 mcm/day 11 mcm/day exit Lanžot 143 mcm/day 7 mcm/day entry Lanžot 87 mcm/day reduced capacity 5-20% exit Waidhaus capacity data as of November 2006 sources: and capacity situation on RTN system displayed as traffic light due confidentiality reasons (only 2 shippers)
Route description – capacity situation (2) available capacities as of November 2006 source:
Route description – capacity situation (3) Entry/Exit couple capacity situation for section 2 source:
Route description – capacity situation (4) Entry/Exit couple capacity situation for section 2 source:
Route description – capacity situation (5) congestion management procedures short term: how is UIOLI applied, how is 2ndary market trading facilitated ? long-term: expansion plans (open season) ? capacity information published numerically on monthly basis by SPP traffic lights by RTN (more than 2 shippers on secondary market ?) capacity allocation method fcfs by SPP Merit order (long term- short term), Pro-rata (yearly, daily) daily capacities - FCFS
Route description – tariffs tariff calculators for both sections of the route are tariffs cost-based ? tariff methodology not transparent tariff structure in SK: entry-exit in CZ: postage stamp transportation case contracted capacity: 100.000 m³/h tariffs of standard contract period for 1 year TSO SPP excl. fuel gas RTN excl. fuel gas Entry - exit points Velke Kapusany - Lanžot Lanžot - Waidhaus Distance between entry / exit (km) 462 390 Eak or entry point (EUR) 3.648.341 Euk or exit point (EUR) 4.126.422 Total per year (EUR) 7.774.762 Transportation cost (EUR /m³/h/km) 0,168 0,170
Conclusions problems at border points (allocations, OBAs) different Nm3 (at 20°C in SK, at 15°C in CZ) transparency requirements of Regulation 1775/2005 not fully implemented on all sections of the route confidentiality requirements justified?