Production (AS90606): Where to From Here? Pre-production Tasks
Documentation To complete the requirements for assessment in AS90606, you must maintain a portfolio of planning materials. This could include: Sequence breakdown (use supplied form) – aim for 1 page per minute. Scripting of any PTC or voiceover/narration material or scripting of dialogue for fictional elements. List of all music/sound effects needed. Interview planners for each interview/ vox pops planned. Detailed plans of any visuals/ montage – sketches, shot-lists, location notes, gear required.
Documentation Detailed plans of any reconstructions – script, storyboard, shot-list, location notes, gear, personnel. Detailed notes on live (actuality) footage plans – purpose, shooting strategies, shot-lists, locations, gear. A list of crew and gear required in producing the documentary. Completed location permission forms (use supplied form). Copies of research material or notes. Any costs that may be incurred during production (if required).
Documentation Notes on archival footage required – type, source, release details, cost. List of stills required – type, source, owner, release, cost, shooting/ scanning notes. The concept/treatment used. Release letters/ documents to be used (use or modify supplied form).
Documentation The good news: Many of you will have made a substantial start on pre-production documentation, through completing pitches to a high standard. The bad news: I need to assess your level of pre-production planning, before you are judged ready to proceed with production.
Documentation Check the full list of documentation required, in the AS90606 (3.8) task booklet. Use your coloured folder to store all documents, so that all members of your group are able to access them in class time. When you come to the help desk, please bring all relevant documentation.
Where to start? A production schedule – what you will do, who is responsible for doing it, where it will be done, and WHEN it will be done by. A combination of job description, calendar, map and diary. Refer to the exemplar in 3.8 booklet.
Production Schedule Completed version due in your folder this period. See HZ if you are adrift on this. Remember the key details: who, what, when, where and how.
Next pre-production task Documentarians – interviews planning, research, music clearance, storyboards, camera practice. Short filmists – script, costume details, storyboards, camera practice. Print journalists – research, interview planning, finding a suitable publication (see HZ or the interweb for ideas). Radio people – interview planning, research, archival footage analysis.
The Importance of Documentation During production periods I will need to discuss with you the preparations you have made. If you can show me your progress in writing/drawing, I can be more effective in the assistance I can offer. Documentation is also required as evidence for AS90602.
First of July: Reminders Camera Bookings for holidays due today. Dave Fortin Workshop – Thursday 7th July, 1pm in D7. Storyboarding Technique. I expect all film- makers to attend. Print Journalists: I need to see you today regarding publication. Those students nominated for PremierPro training – see me to get yourself in a workshop (Brad, Tom, Riley, Jess, Pat, Hanna)