Preliminary Job Posting Analysis Ed Benoit, III School of Library & Information Science, Louisiana State University
Background Competency-based A/V Pedagogical Working Group Non-format specialists in traditional archival institutions Analyzing what skills & knowledge employers are including in their job postings
Methodology Job postings from September 2014-2015 (as available) Also capturing ongoing postings since September 2015 Matrix based ranking of skills (0-not listed, 1-preferred, 2- required) Score aggregated and normalized 𝑋 (𝑁∗3) X=the assigned ranking of skill
Sample information 40 job postings 33 Full time 7 Part time 11 Project/term limited (includes both FT & PT) 9 postings included salary information: Range: $35,000 to $99,400
Education & Experience MLIS/Archives Concentration most required (62.5%) 15% only require a BA/BS degree Certified Archivist 1 position (2.5%) required 1 position (2.5%) preferred Otherwise not mentioned Prior work experience Majority of postings required between 1-3 years (77.3%)
Experience with… 16.7% Arrangement/Description/Processing 15.7% Digitization 15.7% Archival skills (general) 12.7% Preservation 11.8% Project management 9.8% Video editing (advanced) Others mentioned: Metadata creation, audio editing (advanced), digital curation, playback equipment
Format Experience General audiovisual materials most common (27.5%) Very few postings listed specific a/v formats. Those mentioned: 16 mm film 35 mm film 8 mm film Reel-to-reel audio VHS
Standards 21.6% General 13.7% EAD 9.8% DACS 8.8% Dublin Core 4.9% MARC PBCore 2.9% AAT 2.0% PREMIS
Knowledge General archival practice (24.5%) is most common 7.8% Archival theory 7.8% Film history Audiovisual preservation standards 5.9% Copyright (general) 4.9% Oral history production Audiovisual format migration 2.0% Copyright (audiovisual) History of audio History of moving image formats
Future Directions Conclusions: Future Directions Many ads are poorly worded, and overly general Lack of entry level positions Further delineations within matrix necessary Future Directions Continued collection and analysis Content analysis of job posting full text Direct survey of employers