PLACE HOLDER FOR NAME AND TITLE Place holder for speaker photo PLACE HOLDER FOR NAME AND TITLE Place your personal photo and title here. Explain what you do for Young Living. #YLUnites
Because of YOU! We are growing… Top 10 Global Markets Growth 1. United States 30.7% 2. Canada 53.0% 3. Hong Kong 14.0% 4. Singapore 6.0% 5. Malaysia 27.8% 6. Australia 31.6% 7. Japan 3.2% 8. Austria 0.8% 9. Mexico 78.7% 10. Germany 30%+ GROWTH YOY in 2017!!! Thank YOU!!! Merci Beaucoup 感谢您 Muchas Gracias ありがとうございまし た Vielen Dank Thank You for an incredible year so far. We are experiencing 30% growth year over year and it’s because of incredible members and customers all over the world. Check out our fastest growing markets! Asia Pacific is growing at a phenomenal rate, Canada at over 50%! The United States is over 30% growth and Mexico is doing amazing things! #YLUnites
“ It’s exciting to see Young Living’s rapid growth, in part because we are quickly becoming one of the largest direct selling businesses in the world. But even more gratifying, is that growth represents the success & fulfillment of people like you, our members, who represent our company and community with passion, grace & distinction. “ Read the quote from Ben Riley -Ben Riley, Exec VP – Global Sales
Place holder for speaker photo “Young Living has never been in a stronger financial position than it is right now. We owe our amazing growth and vibrancy to our incredible products, dedicated members and extremely generous owners.” - Janay Standifird, CFO Read the quote from Janay
2017 Has been a remarkable year! What will you do to make it remarkable for your family, home and business? Are YOU seeing 30% growth? We encourage you to… The first three quarters of 2017 have been an extraordinary success. You’re seeing the numbers of what we are doing as a company. What are you doing to make it remarkable in your business? Are you seeing the momentum and 30% growth happening in your teams? If you aren’t aware of the growth happening around you, or you are aware and want to see it maintained, here’s what we’re encouraging you to do…. #YLUnites
Keep the MOMENTUM Strong! Network & learn from others Leverage tools & YL assets Become an expert of our quality products Seek out personal development opportunities Keep the Momentum strong into the 4th quarter of 2017! Network within your teams, network crossline and upline leaders and make a point to learn from others and duplicate their success. Leverage new tools & YL Assets: YL University, Training & Education Team, Elite Express, ER, If you don’t know about any of these things, talk to your upline leader and get yourself plugged in to regular communications and groups. Become an expert resource of our quality products. Gary’s mission of oils in every home is a great one! Be a product of the product. Finally, seek out personal development opportunities. Readers are leaders. This year, we’ve given out thousands of books at our Recognition Retreats. Each book is hand picked to be instrumental in helping you develop leadership skills and mentoring. We care about you and want you to be someone who is a strong leader and better individual. #YLUnites
FREEDOM CONVENTION June 13 – 17 2018 #YLUnites Within just weeks of opening registration for the 2018 International Grand Convention, we completely sold out convention spots at the Vivint Arena! How many of you have been anticipating the relaunch of registration and how we’ll handle the additional venue for General Session? Well, your wait is over! Play video provided in the video links #YLUnites
Wasn’t that exciting?! That video can also be found on the registration site, so you can direct your teams there to see the sneak peek into the incredible general session we have planned for them. We’re excited to announce that we will have two shows: one at the Vivint Arena, and the other at the Salt Palace Convention Center! Both shows will have a live opener, live presentations, and live broadcasts – providing all attendees with the same amazing general session experience. 2 LIVE SHOWS 2 IMMERSIVE STAGE ENVIRONMENTS THE SAME AMAZING GENERAL SESSION EXPERIENCE
OVER 30,000 ATTENDEES MEMBERS FROM OVER 37 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES DISCOVER YOUR PATH TO FREEDOM REGISTRATION OPENS – OCTOBER 16 REGISTRATION PRICE: $199 www.YoungLiving.com/2018Convention #YLUnites Offering general session in two venues totaling nearly 280,000 square feel, we are unifying 30,000 attendees from over 37 countries with the sole purpose to deliver freedom around the world! Get ready to register! In two days we are opening 10,000 more spots for the 2018 International Grand Convention at 5 PM USA Mountain Time!
2018 DATES January 13th April 7th July 14th October 6th #YLUnites Our Rally dates for 2018 are available! Add them to your calendar to make sure you can attend. #YLUnites
THANK YOU! #YLUnites If you are participating in social media today, don’t forget to use our global Rally hashtag #YLUnites This way you can see how others are celebrating around the world within our YL Family Thank you for being here!