American Intervention Vietnam 1950s-60s
Why go to Vietnam? Domino Theory!!! “You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock the first one, and what will happen to the last one is a certainty, that it will go over very quickly” President Eisenhower 1954
“Propping Up the Domino” US leader of the Free World? The popular view of the time that if the US did not intervene then Communism would spread. Therefore the US had no alternative to support South Vietnam? Financial Aid Military Aid
Problems in The South Active Communist guerrilla movements Very Strong nationalist side to these movements Strong opposition to the regimes like that of President Diem Vietnam was a domino on the verge of being knocked over
Limited Intervention Increased during the Kennedy administration US Military advisors 1961 – 3,000 Military advisors 1962 – 11,000 Military advisors Slowly these advisors were drawn into conflict with the Viet Cong
What was the US advisors Role? Improve the Training of the South Vietnamese forces to counter the growing threat from the Viet Cong
Kennedy-LBJ After Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963 his Vice-president Lyndon B Johnson (LBJ) was sworn in as President Johnson was convinced the Soviets and the Chinese were behind the growing problems in Vietnam. He believed the Domino Theory was correct and losing Vietnam and the area would weaken the international position of USA
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