Time management and organisation


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Presentation transcript:

Time management and organisation Independent Learning Skills

What is time management ? What is organisation ? Time circle – page 75/76 Have a think : What do the two concepts above mean to you ? Why are those two concepts key to your success at AS and A2 level ?

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals complying with a due date. To bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize my files?"

Time management – starting on a deadline If you are finding it difficult to start a piece of work, it may be because you have not yet established the right conditions for study, You must ask yourself 5 questions: Are you doing this for yourself ? Are you expectations realistic ? Are you starting this task in the right place ? Are you working at the right time ? When, how and where – page 68 Are you aware of any distractions ?

Organisation – organising space for study Create a space for study if you do not have access to a private desk set yourself a shelf where you can leave things and come back to them, Makes sure the area you choose to study in is well lit and comfortable (i.e. desk lamp, and comfortable chair) which will encourage you to return to study Make sure that you have the study essentials required for the tasks which you need to undertake such as lesson notes, articles/studies, key textbook/photocopies of pages from the textbook, pen/paper/laptop or computer.

Managing your time Managing time – page 70

Mr & Mrs E/D guide to time management I really should be getting on with that essay but TOWIE is on in a minute , Ill do it after ? Really need to revise for my sociology test , but I need to update my status on BBM God I still haven't finish those research methods questions and they are due tomorrow but I already made plans to go to the cinema with my friends. I have a free period right now but I’ll; go and hang out in the kitchen and watch the music channel

Mr & Mrs C/B guide to time management My favourite programme is on but I have an essay due tomorrow. Ill have to watch it on catch up TV I have so much to share with my friends on BBM but I’ll get on with some revision for an hour and take an hour break God I still haven't finish those research methods questions and they are due tomorrow but I already made plans to go to the cinema with my friends. I’ll reschedule the cinema for the evening of the due date as a treat Time management – page 77 I have a free period right now so I’ll just do my revision notes and see my friends after college.

Time management and organisation – diary keeping The best way to time manage is through the use of a diary, this is one of the best ways to keep on top of key things to do, key deadlines/assignments/exams, or simply nights out. With new technology a diary does not need to be one which has to be written anymore: Most phones actually come with a calendar and the ability to save key dates/appointments with reminders, Most email account also come with calendars which can have set reminders, However boring that might sounds you can also create private events with reminders on Facebook.

Time management and organisation – to do lists (priority organisers) Priority organiser – page 78

Time management and organisation – time saving suggestions Save time rewriting notes by making notes in class or if possible printing a copy of the PowerPoint slides, Save time when note taking by using codes or using headings and keywords instead, Save time looking for notes by making sure that all notes/documents are put away in your folder regularly, Save time reading by using smart reading strategies such as skimming and scanning, Save time in writing and looking up references by keeping an index of all the sources used whilst studying, Handout 4

Time management and organisation – 10 time saving suggestions Use word limits to focus your energies by giving yourself a word count limit this is especially useful for exam answer practice as well as preventing you from waffling, Save time thinking by jotting your ideas on paper away from the classroom which might link to a topic you are currently studying, Save time organising information by using annotations on key texts/studies used as well as by highlighting key information, Save time writing out essays by typing them directly onto a computer, Avoid duplicating effort by regularly working with a study buddy or a small study group.

Exam prep - revision In order to prepare yourself well and realistically for your summer exam it is good to set up a timetable in which you can allocate set times during which you do some revision,

So the key purpose of this session??? Simply, helping manage your time effectively and being more organised !!!! Your success as an A Level student increases if you demonstrate excellent time management and organisational skills, You invest money at the beginning of the year in folders and dividers… Use them, their purpose is not to fill the cupboards unnecessarily, Handouts which are given to you in class must be organised in your folders in order to make your consolidation of lessons easier, Use of diaries and to do lists will enable you to keep on top of all key dates, deadlines, assessments,