What does Spiritual Warfare look like? The Woman and the Dragon: What does Spiritual Warfare look like?
The Woman: “A great sign” The Woman and the Dragon: The Woman: “A great sign” Clothed with the Sun, Moon under her feet, Stars as a crown. Birth Pains Great Sign Contrast with “Another sign” – v.3 Significance is on the Woman, not the dragon Sign – Symbolism, not literal Sun, Moon, and Stars Reference to Gen. 37:1-10 Clothed – not inherent, but appropriated. God – inherent God’s people – appropriated – like Christ’s righteousness Moon – OT significance is Beauty and glory (Song 6:10; Isa 24:23) Stars – Joseph’s dreams, Twelve Tribes Crown = victory Birth Pains “in womb” – idiom for pregnant Symbolic of the people of God who give birth to the Messiah Gen. 12. Pains – the process through time of bringing the Messiah into the World. The Woman Most likely – a picture of the whole people of God – Israel and Church – v.17 At least – Israel
The Dragon: “Another sign” Great Red Dragon The Woman and the Dragon: The Dragon: “Another sign” Great Red Dragon 7 Heads, 10 Horns, 7 diadems Third of the stars swept down Another Sign Contrast with “Great sign” – v.1 Significance is on the Woman, not the dragon Great Red Dragon Dragons = Sea monsters! Depictions of Evil Anti God rulers – Pharaoh – Ezek 29:3; Nebuchadnezzar – Jer. 51:34 Red – Slaughter 7 Heads Symbol of pretentious sovereignty over the earth Part of Satan’s Imitation – Unholy Trinity/diadems/horns 10 Horns Allusion to Dan.7:7-8,20,24 – fourth beast Horn – symbol of strength – Daniel = 10 kings – military strength Rev. 17:12-14 – temporary powers Rev. 5:6 – Lamb with 7 horns – this is another imitation 7 Diadems Diadems = ruler’s crown Imitation of Christ and true Diadem in 19:12 1/3 of stars swept down Satan’s convincing of one third of angels to rebel Similar to little horn in Dan. 8:9,10 Dragon Identified in v.9 – Satan
The Birth: Dragon waiting… Male child – Ruler of Nations The Woman and the Dragon: The Birth: Dragon waiting… Male child – Ruler of Nations Child “caught up” Woman – Fled to Wilderness 1260 days – 3.5 year period Dragon waiting Reference back to Gen. 3:15 Parallel – Herod, slaughter of children Russell Moore – Satan hates babies! –Abortion is his work. Male Child Psalm 2:7-9 The Messiah – from God’s people Caught Up Birth to Caught up – no elaboration of the ministry of the male child Caught up = strong verb, divine passive, resurrection and ascension (to God and His throne) Divine passive = Phil 2:9-11 Difference between verse 5 and 6 Timing depends on interpretation of events Dispensational premillialists = gap in time Historic premillennialist = no gap, period of last days Woman to Wilderness After ascension – church spreads – is scattered! Wilderness = allusion to Exodus Revelation – heavy on Exodus allusion From Bondage to Promised land! Nourished Protected by God through the wilderness Not guaranteed ease, but safe! (God provides and guides) Church – grows in the wilderness,
“Do you ever look around your life and feel like God has dealt you a losing hand? If you’re a student of the Bible, when you see what looks like a losing hand, you know God is about to triumph in a way that will give him all the credit for the victory. Isn’t that the kind of victory you want? So when everything in your life looks unimpressive, sure to lose, insignificant, trust Christ and watch for the glory of God to be demonstrated.
“When you feel like a loser, when you feel like a failure, when you feel like you’re incompetent, praise God! You’re exactly the kind of person God uses. God uses people like us to defeat the great dragon.” James Hamilton Jr., Revelation: The Spirit Speaks to the Churches
Imitation is the Devil’s form of deception. Takeaway Thought. - Life through death only happens through the blood of the Lamb!