FIA Reviewing
Factual Questions * verifiable –the answer is found on page ____. * must concern: who, what, when, where, how? * important to the understanding of the text Example: What did Katniss tell people in regards to Gale? Answer: They told people that Gale was her cousin (pages 9, 15, 35, etc.)
Inductive Questions * verifiable—the answer is found in the text, and based on details and examples (include page #’s in answer) * must concern: why, how, and so what? * may be developed throughout the section when events, language, imagery, or diction provide insights Example: Why did Katniss struggle with her relationship with Gale? Answer: Katniss can’t decide about her relationship with Gale because she is supposed to be in love with Peeta (12), Snow has threatened her (16), and she has never considered having a relationship like that due to the Hunger Games and the threat to her future children (Hunger Games 77)
Analytical Questions * connects the text to other texts, ideas, or situations through analysis * responds to the questions: How are these similar, different, related? * takes readers beyond the text, allowing them to analyze the relationship between this text and other texts, ideas, events, or situations * For Glass Castle do not use the “problems we face today” comparison because this is a modern memoir Question: How does this dystopian novel compare to other dystopian novels like Divergent or The Lord of the Flies? Answer: Answers may vary.
Lets give it a try with Glass Castle. NOW…. Lets give it a try with Glass Castle.
For the savior of my Powerpoints