Sustainable plant based resins and fibers for seed coating


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable plant based resins and fibers for seed coating *Masoume Amirkhani1, Anil N. Netravali2, Catharine M. Catranis1, and Alan G. Taylor1 Cornell University, Department of Horticulture, Geneva, New York Cornell University, Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design, Ithaca, New York *, INTRODUCTION Seed enhancements may be defined as post-harvest treatments that improve germination or seedling growth, or facilitate the delivery of seeds and other materials required at the time of sowing (1); it comprises three general areas of enhancements: priming, coating and seed conditioning. Coating includes three techniques routinely used for vegetable crop seeds: film coating, encrusting and pelleting. Most coating formulations are inert and have little effect on seedling growth (2). OBJECTIVES QUALITY OF SEED COATINGS PLANT GROWTH While uncoated seed had a greater germination rate (Fig. 4) and germination maximum percent (Gmax%) than the coated seed (Tab. 2), all coating formulations showed a statistically significant increase in seedling growth (seed vigor index, SVI) (Tab. 2 & Fig. 5). In general, formulations having a higher percentage of soy flour have greater mechanical integrity (Fig. 3 and Tab. 1). The goal of this project is to develop coating formulations with desired properties including growth enhancement using a renewable resource for the coating filler and binder. Table 2. Seedling growth, Gmax and Seed Vigor Index (SVI=Gmax% x seedling length). The specific objectives of the project are: Develop a seed coating using soy flour (SF) as the binder. Determine the effect of binder content on coating integrity. Determine the effect of filler ingredient content on germination and early seedling growth. (a) (b) (c) Treatment Formula (SCD) Gmax% Seedling Length (cm) SVI Control1 Uncoated 92A 10.4c 9.59C Control2 00.00.100* 89A 14.1A 12.55A SD 20.00.80* 86B 14.4A 12.38A 30.00.70 78D 12.8B 9.98BC 40.00.60 13.3A 10.37B 50.00.50 85B 13.8A 11.73A SCD 20.20.60 81C 13.5A 10.94AB 30.20.50 83BC 13.6A 11.29A 40.20.40 79C 14.3A 11.30A 50.20.30 80C 12.9B 10.32B Figure 2. Broccoli seeds: (a) non-treated; (b) coated with biodegradable coating formulation Soy Flour: Cellulose: Diatomaceous Earth (SCD), 40:20:40; and (c) SD 50:00:50 using the R6. Table 1. Time for coating to disintegrate in water (mins). Treatments (SCD) Time to start of disintegrating (mins) 00.00.100 35 20.00.80 60 30.00.70 90 40.00.60 120 50.00.50 180 20.20.60 30.20.50 105 40.20.40 50.20.30 150 METHODS & MATERIALS * Lower mechanical integrity of coat compared to SD & SCD treatments. The coating was applied with rotary pan (R6) technology (Fig. 1) with 35% build-up (Fig. 2). The soy flour-based binder was applied as a 10% water-based solution with a basic pH (pH 10). Broccoli seeds were coated using soy flour-based binder and a combination filler consisting of diatomaceous earth, soy flour, and cellulose. •The coating strength was examined by two methods: percent coating loss after vibration using a Ro-Tap (Mechanical Integrity, Fig. 3) and time for the coating to disintegrate in water (Tab. 1). The percent germination was recorded daily and germination rate was calculated. Root and shoot growth were recorded after 1 week. CONCLUSIONS Coating ingredients can act as a biostimulants. Biostimulants are mixtures of one or more components (e.g., microorganisms, trace elements, enzymes, plant hormones, and seaweed extracts) that may enhance nutrient availability, water-holding capacities, increase antioxidants, enhance metabolism and increase chlorophyll production. Enhanced seedling growth in all formulations was attributed to the protein from both filler and binder. Figure 3. Weight loss% (Mechanical Integrity) GERMINATION CHARACTERISTICS Figure 4. Comparison of cumulative germination percentage by treatment type (SCD) using the roll towel test for coated and uncoated broccoli seeds. ACKNOLEDGEMENTS This project (NYC-329487) )was supported by Hatch funds to Drs A. N. Netravali and A. G. Taylor. REFRENCES Figure 5. Comparison of average seedling length for coated and uncoated broccoli seeds; (a) uncoated at 10.4cm and (b) 40:20:40 at 14.3 cm. Taylor, A. G. 2003. Seed treatments. In: Thomas, B, D. J. Murphy and B. G. Murray. Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences. Elsevier Acad. Press. p. 1291-8. Taylor, A. G., P. S. Allen, M. A. Bennett, K. J. Bradford, J. S. Burris and M. K. Misra. 1998. Seed enhancements. Seed Science Research 8: 245-256.  3. US patent application number: 12/777,804 Figure 1. Seed coating using the rotary pan (R6). New York State Seed Testing Laboratory (a) (b)