Creator of the universe, Without beginning or end.


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Presentation transcript:

Creator of the universe, Without beginning or end. Almighty God (SA 184) Almighty God, Creator of the universe, Everlasting Lord. Holy be your name, From age to age you are Ever the same Eternal Father Without beginning or end.

Redeemer of the fallen race, You are beginning and end. Jesus our Lord, Redeemer of the fallen race, Crucified for us. Holy be your name, From age to age you are Ever the same Our risen Saviour, You are beginning and end.

The Lord and Giver of life, From the beginning to end. Spirit of God, The Lord and Giver of life, Sent to dwell within. Holy be your name, From age to age you are Ever the same Life giving presence, From the beginning to end.

The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Glory to God, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, To the Three-in-One. Holy be your name, From age to age you are Ever the same As it was always, And ever will be. Amen.