Conscious Classroom Management The Cliff Notes Version
Assuming the Best Teachers teach content and appropriate behavior Students want to learn appropriate behavior Invisible Contract Student: Please teach me appropriate behavior in a safe and structured environment Teacher: I will do my best….
Letter Writing Activity Write a letter to your most challenging student. The letter is private, this is a reflective activity.
The Two Pillars Effective classroom management Structure Safety Discipline across the room Tone Volume Posture
Subtitles Respond to the Invisible Subtitle What message is the student really trying to convey? Ignore the noise Pg 16 in book
Subtitle Activity What student phrase/action triggers you? What is a possible subtitle? How might you respond next time it happens? Think back to the letter you wrote in the first letter.
What are some ways to make positive connections with students? 2 Minutes a day 10 days in a row 85% improvement 2 x 10
An Effective No has no_____ Blame Anger Loop holes Disrespect Guilt Inconsistency Bias Hesitation Sarcasm Reactivity Apology Drama Frustration Ambivalence Confusion Explanation
“No, I understand and the answer is no.” Hold Our Ground It is the toughest thing we do and we only have to do it all day every day Avoid the land of reasons Delay your explanation Always put the responsibility on the student to find you for the explanation “No, I understand and the answer is no.” Page 70
RRR Technique Recognize Reorient Respond Activity: Message with a calm face Pages 73-75
The Go Procedure When I say go You will ……. Check for understanding Any Questions? Fill in the Blank Partner Share Deflected Questions Student Repeats Puppeteer (guided model) Look left, look right When I say go You will ……. Check for understanding Ready and Go
Consequences Consequences are tools we use to help our students learn the power of choice. There are no punishments, just consequences We have no control over kids Pages 200-245
Helpful Tips for Consequences Let your consequences do the talking Delay consequences when needed Private meeting with teacher Give kids choices Picket fence syndrome Consequence Pie Paper-clipping The ADE meeting The Pink Slip
Response to Defiance Assume the best Soft eyes, soft voice Make their choices clear Respect the choice they make Give consequence Repeat with new escalated choices
The Conversation You have a choice right now Acknowledge difficulties Clean slate
Next Steps Handouts Checklist Revisit letter Which strategies will you try tomorrow? Who will be your 2 x 10?