A2 Unit 2 High Level 5
Title: Abstract Plants. This fine art photography piece is based on the concept of all items that have been worn and lost in the past; images have been layered and manipulated in Photoshop. The student has carefully documented both visually and in written format the various stages off the process leading to the development of an interesting final outcome.
AO1 Level 5 The development of the student’s ideas is highly original, complex and focused, and sustained. There is a perceptive, mature and confident understanding of sources.
AO2 Level 5 An excellent range of experimentation with wide ranging use of media, that was highly competent and purposeful.
AO3 Level 5 There are excellent and sensitive recording skills which demonstrates an excellent ability to reflect on their own work in progress.
AO4 Level 5 The response is highly personal, creative and mature, with evidence of critical and perceptive understanding of connections and insights.