Netiquette The unofficial but universally recognized collection rules, ethics, and communication that govern acceptable Internet social and business behavior It’s most relevant in email
People born BEFORE 1980 If all else fails Text message Facebook Acceptable E-mail Telephone Call Preferred Personal Meeting Techniques magazine May 2012 page 20
People born AFTER 1980 If all else fails meeting Telephone call Acceptable E-mail Facebook Preferred Text Messaging Techniques magazine May 2012 page 20
Electronic vs. traditional communication Speed Emails, text and posts tend to be sloppier You can’t assume anything about your correspondent – frame of mind, gender, age, marital status
Electronic communication Words on a screen look different than on paper Scroll bars make it difficult to track longer paragraphs Keep emails, texts and posts short and to the point Keep emails on one page (25 lines of text)
Mild emphasis enclose word in quotes I *said* I was going on Thursday I said I was going on *Thursday* Strong emphasis- use capital letters NO!!! Please don’t tell anyone No, please don’t tell ANYONE!! DON’T USE ALL CAPITALS in an email, text or post it looks like you are yelling
Three Letter Acronyms (TLA) – a form of Internet shorthand Three Letter Acronyms (TLA) – a form of Internet shorthand. Used to speed and improve communications. BTW – By the Way COB – Close of Business FAQ – Frequently asked questions LOL – Laugh out loud IMO – in my opinion TIA – Thanks in advanced
How many TLA’s do you know? *$ Starbucks B4N bye for now BCNU Be seeing you soon BG be good DQMOT don’t quote me on this HMU hit me up IDC I don’t care IDK I don’t know IMHO / IMNSHO in my humble opinion in my not so humble opinion ILY I love you IMY I miss you IRL In real life JK just kidding KWIM know what I mean? LQTS laughing quietly to myself MYOB mind your own business NMU not much, you? ROFL rolling on the floor laughing TTYL talk to you later UW You’re welcome W/E Whatever WYWH Wish you were here
Emoticons – small graphical depictions of facial expressions Emoticons – small graphical depictions of facial expressions. Used to convey an emotion element and prevent misinterpretations of text-based communications on the Internet I am looking forward to Friday : ) I am looking forward to Friday : ( : O Surprised : D Laughing : * Kisses : (O) Yelling
Salutation Non Business settings Business settings Dear Virgil or Virgil Business settings Address the email as if you were speaking to them face to face IF you say Mrs. Cueni then use Mrs. Cueni in the email
Signature Block It’s not possible to sign each email
Threads Reply to a response Improper netiquette to start a new message – breaks the link or “thread” Example
User responsibility Check email daily Delete unwanted messages Keep messages remaining to a minimum Respond quickly
Check email daily
Respond quickly In a business setting within 24 hours Touch base even if you don’t have an answer right away.
Subject Line Let the reader know a little about the email prior to opening Quickly screen emails for ones to cover first
Responding/Sending CC- Carbon Copy – the person on this line will receive the same email sent to those on the TO l9ine – but generally it’s more for FYI Bcc- The receivers on this line do no know who else is receiving the email – mailing lists for adds Reply to All – watch how you use this – can be very annoying. If you reply to all – all people who originally was sent the message is also receiving your response
Privacy Are you kidding???? E-mail administrators have the ability to read any and all mail Some companies monitor this Hackers – can read it if they try hard enough Rule of thumb – Never send anything you wouldn’t put on the evening news
Poor Netiquette Poor grammar and spelling Rambling messages Unsolicited advertisements Harsh languages, ethnic jokes etc
Flame A derogatory, insulting verbal attack in electronic form Flames are best ignored If you send the flame …. Flamer If you receive the flame – been “flamed” Messages intended to start an argument “Flame bait”
Spam Unsolicited electronic message sent to multiple recipients Religious Political Product or service advertisement
Phishing “Phishing is a form of fraud designed to steal your identity. It works by using false pretenses to get you to disclose sensitive personal information, such as credit and debit card numbers, account passwords, or Social Security numbers.” -PayPal Looks for or fishes for information PayPal, Banks, eBay
Do’s and Don’t Don’t include large images If you do include large video – indicate size and length of time to download Web pages – date of last revision and email contact Don’t infringe on copyright laws If you link to a site , not necessary, but state a link has been made out of respect to the individual