Work Experience
Getting started Select student and then select your school name from the drop down list. You will then need to enter your name and your PIN that has been provided to you by your teacher.
Getting started Select search to start looking for placements
Searching for placements
Opportunity list Click view to see the job description
Job description From this page you can view the employers website and a location map. If this job isn't for you, click New Search to start a new job search. If you like the sound of this job, click add to selections to make this one of your work experience choices.
Placement details
Own placements If you have found your own placement, click on own placement.
Recording own placements If you intend to arrange your own placement or you have already done so, please enter as much information as you can and press save.
Placement confirmation A confirmed status means your placement has been agreed. An own placement status means the placement you found has been agreed. Please ask your teacher is any other status is displayed.
Work experience literature
Your work experience is probably your first real step into the world of work, so its understandable that you might feel a little nervous. The key to combating those nerves is preparation. We have pulled together some top tips to help you get the most from your experience.
Before you set off Be prepared You’ll feel better if you avoid the last minute rush and pack your bag the night before. Bringing a notepad and a pen is always handy.
Before you set off Plan your route You don’t want to create a bad first impression, especially on your first day. That’s why its important not to be late. Plan your journey in advance, particularly if you have never been there before or are taking public transport. You will find a journey planner on the ‘my placement details’ page on the online system.
Before you set off Know the contact Remember who your main contact is. You need to know who to ask for when you get there. It’s also helpful to have a phone number in case you are running late.
Before you set off Look the part Check the dress code. Whether it is a suit or overalls, it’s important to be dressed for the environment you are working in. It will also take away any last minute stress if you get your clothes ready the night before.
During the placement Show initiative If you get the chance to use your initiative go for it! Remember it is a learning experience. Ask for some tasks to get started on and when you are finished, ask if there is anything else you can help with.
During the placement Ask questions If you don’t understand, just ask. The best way to learn is to ask lots of questions. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
During the placement Be yourself It’s not what you know or how talented you are. It’s your attitude and behaviour that the employer will remember.
At the end Say thanks It’s very important to leave a good impression. You never know, you might be back there one day.
At the end Ask for a reference This is your first real work experience. Ask the employer if you can use them as a referee on your CV.
At the end Take time to reflect Think about what you have learnt during your placement and reflect on the feedback given by your employer. Would you like to get into this line of work? If not, think about the reasons why and where your skills and strengths might be better placed.