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Presentation transcript:

Information Marketing Group, Inc. Attendance Maintenance

Attendance with iPass The Attendance System has 4 menu options: The Attendance System module allows you to set up your Attendance Calendar, record Daily Attendance, record Period Attendance, and run Attendance Reports. Consistent with all iPASS modules, there is set of Maintenance tables that drive the system and they must be setup and defined by the school and/or school district. The Attendance System has 4 menu options:   Enter Daily Attendance Enter Period Attendance Attendance Reports Attendance Maintenance

Attendance Codes Click the button to Add a new Attendance Code Enter a code   Description Enter a description. Daily or Period Indicate if the code is for Daily or Period Attendance. Present or Absent Indicate if the code is a Present or an Absent code. Type Indicate the type.

Attendance Configuration Attendance Configuration Tab *Here you need to decide if you are going to have the Daily Attendance update the Period Attendance or the Period Attendance updating the Daily Attendance.   Configuration for Period Attendance updating Daily Attendance *Use this to have the Period Attendance update the Daily Attendance. After the 1st or designated period’s attendance is taken the Daily attendance will automatically reflect the information entered. So if a student was absent 1st period the Daily Attendance would now show absent for the day.

Attendance Configuration Daily Attendance Mode Select Separate Daily Attendance, Set Period For Daily Attendance.   Period Select the period you want to use. Absent Code Select the code you want to use for absences. Comment Add a comment

Attendance Types Define Attendance Types This table is used to define types of attendance associated with attendance codes. To delete an attendance type, place a check in the box to the left and submit.

Calendar Maintenance This is an interactive calendar. To modify a date or enter a holiday, click on the date on the calendar to launch a new window.

Calendar Maintenance This will open up a window to enter a holiday; enter the name of the holiday. If it is a one-day holiday or a snow day, be sure to enter the same date as the calendar date. Be sure to change the cycle day and recalculate future cycle days if necessary. If it is a vacation week, enter the Monday through Friday dates.

Call List Parameters This table is used to define what attendance codes will be exported to your attendance calling system such as ConnectEd, School Messenger, etc. To create a call list, enter a name and highlight the attendance codes that will be included on the list. Multiple call lists can be created including one for absent and a different one for tardy should you wish to send out two separate phone messages.

School Attendance Parameters Display Guardian Note Select YES/NO to indicate if you want guardian Notes on reports.   Number of Days Back Select a number of days that you can go back in time to correct Attendance. Number of Days forward Select a number of days that you can go forward in time to enter Attendance. Remember Date Select Yes to have the Daily Attendance screen remember the last date you entered Select NO to have the Daily Attendance Screen always default to “TODAYS DATE”

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