Student Learning Outcomes Alignment through Academic and Student Affairs Partnerships NASPA Assessment & Persistence Conference June 25, 2015 Susan Platt, Executive Director of Assessment, Student Affairs Sharlene Sayegh, Director of Program Review & Assessment, Academic Affairs California State University, Long Beach
Academic Affairs Student Affairs Working in Silos Academic Affairs Student Affairs What’s the problem here?
Or to visualize another way VS
Key References for our Partnership American College Personnel Association. (1996). The student learning imperative: Implications for student affairs. Alexandria, VA: Author. Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC & U) (2002). Greater expectations: A new vision for learning as a nation goes to college. Washington, D.C.: Author. Keeling, R. P. (Ed.). (2006). Learning reconsidered 2: Implementing a campus-wide focus on the student experience. ACPA, ACUHO-I, ACUI, NACA, NACADA, NASPA, and NIRSA. Tagg, J. T. (2003). The learning paradigm college. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass.
Principles of our Partnership: Learning Reconsidered Activity In groups, please select one word for each X. Each sentence reflects a belief that frames our Academic Affairs and Student Affairs partnerships.
Summary of Principles Our entire campus is a learning system. Our common outcomes are to produce educated and self-aware learners, skilled workers, democratic citizens, and life skills managers. Our learners are empowered, informed, and responsible. We use strategic planning to determine the best use of our collective resources to achieve our goals. We provide active, experiential learning for transformational learning. Our partnerships are greatly enhanced and encouraged by top level servant leadership styles of our President and her Vice-Presidents.
Levels of Student Learning Outcomes WASC Core Competencies ↑ Institution College/LEAP Division Department Team Program (multiple sections of courses) Unit Classroom Programs, Services, Activities Academic Affairs Student Affairs
Institutional Learning Outcomes WASC Core Competencies CSULB Institutional Learning Outcomes Well-prepared with communication, numeracy and critical thinking skills to successfully join the workforce of California and the world or to pursue advanced study Critically and ethically engaged in global and local issues Knowledgeable and respectful of the diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures Accomplished at integrating the skills of a liberal education with disciplinary or professional competency Skilled in collaborative problem-solving, research, and creative activity WASC Core Competencies Written communication Oral communication Quantitative reasoning Critical thinking Information literacy
Campus Learning Opportunities Focus on two of our institutional learning outcomes: Critically and ethically engaged in global and local issues Knowledgeable and respectful of the diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures For each, campus learning opportunities: Classroom, program, department, college Multicultural Affairs, EOP, Educational Equity Services, Disabled Student Services, Study Abroad
Levels of Learning Outcomes for Global Engagement Critically and ethically engaged in global and local issues (ILO) ↑ Can discuss both commonalities and differences with several cross-cultural practices based on experiential learning. (Department or Team) Can articulate the history of how global engagement has changed over time. (Program or Unit) Can demonstrate an understanding of two current global challenges and how these might be addressed. (Classroom or Activity) Academic Affairs & Student Affairs Collaboration
Levels of Learning Outcomes for Diversity Awareness Knowledgeable and respectful of the diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures (ILO) ↑ Can demonstrate a deep understanding of and respect for intersectionality and multiple identities. (Department or Team) Can describe several current theories related to culturally diverse groups and how these inform our understanding. (Program or Unit) Can name two or more similarities and differences of cultural groups different from one’s own. (Classroom or Activity) Academic Affairs & Student Affairs Collaboration
Sources of Data for Learning Outcomes Large-scale survey data (CIRP freshman survey, NSSE, DLE) Classroom and program level tests and exams E-portfolios at multiple levels Observations of students demonstrating what they’ve learned Oral presentations Other?
Activity In groups, select one of your institutional learning outcomes (ILOs). Write a real or imagined learning outcome at multiple levels that align with this ILO. Be prepared to share with the group.
Discussion What steps will you take to work across divisions for student learning and development? What specific outcomes are you most interested in aligning at multiple levels? What are the opportunities and/or challenges you face in working collaboratively for common purposes and aligning levels of student learning outcomes?