THE OHIO HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Grove City High School Preseason Meeting 2017-18
Agenda Introductions SWCS Athletic Policy OHSAA, SWCS and Eligibility Sportsmanship (Sporting Behavior) Health and Safety Boosters Individual Team Meetings
Welcome Introductions GC Administration Head Coaches Kris Sander, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Ron Hutcheson, Athletic Supervisor April Stump, Athletic Administrative Assistant Larry Sutton, Head Athletic Trainer GC Administration Bryan O’Shea, Principal Holly Gilbert, Assistant Principal Craig McMillen, Assistant Principal Head Coaches
SWCS Athletic Policy (Trifold) Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco OHSAA and SWCS does not permit the use of any form of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. Use of these items will result in students being disqualified from contests and violators likely face additional school and legal penalties.
SWCS Athletic Policy (Trifold) Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Athletic Policy is in effect year-round (12 months/365 days). Students caught breaking the policy will be classified under the following conditions: Violation: Student was caught by a coach, administrator, teacher or law enforcement and school district and AD was notified. Referral: Information is given to athletic department where there is reason to believe the athlete is not in compliance with the policy. Voluntary Referral: Student self-refers to the athletic department about a violation or substance abuse problem.
SWCS Athletic Policy (Trifold) Consequences for violation of the policy: 1st offense: One calendar year suspension Can be reduced to 20% with counseling/educational course and other conditions 2nd offense: One calendar year suspension Can be reduced to 50% with counseling/educational course and other conditions 3rd offense: Permanent exclusion from athletics
SWCS Athletic Policy (Trifold) Citizenship Student athletes shall conduct themselves in a manner that reflects good citizenship. Social Media
OHSAA Scholarship Standards As a student-athlete, YOU are responsible for your compliance. Students taking College Credit Plus as well as students that are home educated, non-public, community and STEM school students must also comply with OHSAA scholarship standards. Semester and yearly grades have no effect on OHSAA eligibility.
OHSAA Scholarship Standards All incoming ninth graders must have received passing grades in a minimum of five subjects in the immediately preceding grading period (final term of the 8th grade year). To maintain eligibility, high school students must have received passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or the equivalent, in the immediately preceding grading period.
OHSAA Scholarship Standards To attempt to regain OHSAA eligibility, summer school grades, including College Credit Plus courses, may NOT be used to substitute for failing grades received in the final grading period of the regular school year or for lack of enough courses taken the preceding or subsequent grading period. If you drop a course or change your schedule, it is critically important that you contact your principal or athletic administrator to see if this affects your eligibility.
GPA Requirement (SWCS Criteria) Student athletes must also maintain a minimum GPA requirement in addition to the 5 one-credit course requirement. Minimum GPA requirements are: 1.6 (9th Grade) 1.8 (10th Grade) 2.0 (11th and 12th Grade) Students may request a GPA waiver ONE time during grades 9/10 and one time during grades 11/12. Waiver may not be used for passing five classes.
OHSAA Non-School Team and Program & Out-of-Season Standards You will be ineligible if you are a member of a school team competing on a non-school team in the same sport during your school team’s season (example: club soccer team during school’s soccer season). Coaches and schools cannot require that you participate in an open gym/open facility OR in a conditioning or instructional program. Violations of this regulation will result in penalties.
OHSAA Non-School Team and Program & Out-of-Season Standards There are certain restrictions regarding tryouts, practices and competitions with non-school teams before, during and after the school season. There are also restrictions for instruction you can receive from school coaches outside of your season in an OHSAA team sport (baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball and volleyball) and some OHSAA individual sports (cross country, track & field and wrestling). There are no restrictions for instruction you can receive from school coaches outside of your season in many OHSAA individual sports (bowling, golf, gymnastics, swimming & diving and tennis).
OHSAA Amateur Standards You could lose your amateur status and forfeit your eligibility if you compete for money or other monetary compensation OR capitalize on your athletic fame by receiving money, merchandise or services or by entering into an agreement with a professional team or agent.
OHSAA Transfer Standards Once eligibility has been established at a member high school and you transfer to another school, you will be ineligible for all contests until the first 50 percent of the maximum allowable regular season contests have been competed in any sport in which you participated during the 12 months immediately preceding your transfer. This regulation has several exceptions, most of which require a ruling from the OHSAA Commissioner’s Office.
OHSAA Transfer Standards Should you have transferred to this school, you must ensure all required paperwork has been submitted to the OHSAA AND the state office has granted approval for eligibility. Immediate eligibility will be granted only if one of the exceptions to the OHSAA transfer regulation has been met.
Sporting Behavior
As a student-athlete, you must always remember to Respect The Game! GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines As a student-athlete, you must always remember to Respect The Game! Show respect for the opponent at all times. Engage in positive school cheers, respectfully. No derogatory chants. Do not single out any one player by name or number. No props: newspapers, trash-bags, etc. Show respect for officials. Accept and abide by their decisions. Know and understand the rules of the game.
Maintain self-control at all times. Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Maintain self-control at all times. Remain off the playing surface before, during and following the contents (until the opponents have left the floor/field). A ticket is a privilege to observe a contest and support the athletes; not a license to verbally assault others. Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of affiliation Applaud during the introduction of players, coaches and officials and at the end of the contest for the performance of all participants.
Unacceptable/Prohibited Behaviors Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Unacceptable/Prohibited Behaviors Profanity Obscene gestures Racial or ethnic comments Intimidating actions Hazing
Athlete Expectations Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Understand that academic responsibilities come first Make a commitment, on and off the field, to success of the whole athletic program and school Engage in positive peer pressure and encourage team to follow the Athletic Code Demonstrate a good work ethic and strive to achieve realistic, yet challenging individual and team goals Demonstrate leadership and sportsmanship through positive actions on and off the field
Athlete Expectations Game Day Attendance Transportation Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Athlete Expectations Respect coaches, teammates, opponents, fans, GCHS facilities and equipment Be on time for all school and team related events Game Day Attendance Student must be in attendance at least ½ of his/her scheduled classes on the day of or day preceding an athletic contest. Transportation SWCS policy is that all athletes must ride the bus to and from all athletic competitions that the district provided a bus for.
Coach Expectations Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Promote health and safety of athletes Model appropriate language, sportsmanship and behavior and demand this of all team personnel Respect and dignify each student athlete Establish and communicate realistic time demands Promote sense of solid team membership
Coach Expectations Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Assist with post-high school planning Be available to parents at mutually convenient times Encourage a well-rounded high school experience for athletes, including participation in other sports Prepare athletes with out-of-season conditioning program for those not involved
Parent Expectations Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Support your student athlete’s efforts toward success Promote a positive environment School, coaches, players, officials Become familiar with the team and athletic department rules and regulations Communicate concerns in a timely, appropriate manner Treat coaching personnel with courtesy and respect, and insist your student athlete does the same Assure your student athlete attends all scheduled practice and athletic events
Parent Expectations Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Notify coaching staff of schedule conflict in advance Acknowledge and support the ultimate authority of the coach to determine strategy and player selection Make an effort to understand the rules of the game Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests
Tickets Admission Prices Reserved Seat 15 Event Top 55 60+ Free with ID Military Free
Addressing Concerns Respect The Game GCHS Sportsmanship Guidelines Please following these guidelines to address your concerns with the coaching staff to help insure a timely, efficient response. Discuss the concern with your immediate head coach (Freshman, JV or Varsity). Do not attempt to discuss your concern before or after a contest; instead ask to set a meeting to discuss your concerns. Coaches will discuss only your athlete, not other players. If you are dissatisfied with the response or the concern continues, set a meeting with the head Varsity coach. If you are unsatisfied with the response, set a meeting with the Athletic Director.
Health & Safety
Your Health & Safety Physical Examination: Before the season’s first practice (or prior to your first participation should you join the team after the season has started), you must have had a physical examination within the past year AND an examination clearance form must be on file at the school.
Concussions It is EXTREMELY important for everyone involved in school sports to recognize the potential dangers associated with concussions and review their responsibilities in protecting student-athletes. Concussions are NOT just a problem in football . . . concussions can happen in just about any sport! A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that interferes with normal function of the brain. “Dings” and “bell ringers” are SERIOUS brain injuries and you do NOT have to have loss of consciousness for it to be considered serious. Young athletes are at increased risk for serious problems.
Concussions In Ohio, any athlete who exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion . . . such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion or balance problems . . . shall be IMMEDIATELY removed from the contest or practice and shall not return to play that same day. Thereafter, the student shall not return to practice or competition until cleared with WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION from a physician or health care provider approved by the local board in accordance with state law.
Concussions Each school is required to review its concussion management protocol with you and your parents. In addition, you and your parents must review and sign the Ohio Department of Health’s “Concussion Information Sheet” prior to participation, and you are highly encouraged to review a short presentation on concussions available at no cost (
Sudden Cardiac Arrest You and your parents are required to view the Ohio Department of Health’s sudden cardiac arrest video. Visit to review Lindsey’s Law. In addition, you and your parents must review and sign the Ohio Department of Health’s “Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Sheet”* prior to participation.
Additional Health & Safety Guidelines Another prominent issue is the use of performance enhancing supplements. The increased availability of these items allows students easy access to a wide variety of products aggressively marketed to include promises — endorsed by faulty research claims — of extraordinary weight loss, explosive power or tremendous strength gains. It is important for parents to educate themselves about what substances their child may be using and about the potential risks involved with uneducated supplement use.
Athletic Boosters
Documents to Submit Today Athletic Policy Brochure Submit separate signed acknowledgment Concussion Information Sheet Submit signed agreement form (separate information from signed form) Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Lindsay’s Law Submit signed form
Information Twitter: @greyhoundscores Schedules Rosters Twitter: @greyhoundscores