Catching fire By: Joclyn Mitchell
Plot The plot of the story is a continuation from the first novel. Katniss Everdeen is now a victor and must go into the capitols games again, but now its not only her fate that at risk now its her families, and peetas.
Climax The climax in the book is that now that Peeta and Katniss are in the games the climax would be the anticipation to see if Katniss will be able to save Peeta like she did in the last games because there is new gamemaker and he wont let that happen again so Katniss know that either Peeta or her will make it out alive
Rising Action The rising action in the beginning of the book is when president snow comes to visit Katniss at her home and tells her that she is the cause of the rebellion on the districts and that if it gets out of hand the capitol will retaliate against and may her hurt her and her families.
Setting The setting starts off in districts twelve in the victors village where katniss and her family lives. Then when she is reaped to do the games again she is whisked away to the capitol. Then when the games begin she is transported to the arena she is put on a platform in the middle of the ocean then she has to swim to land. Then runs into the jungle.
Characters Katniss Everdeen Peeta Malark Haymitch Finnick Madge
Katniss Everdeen Katniss lives in a futuristic society that is separated into 12 districts. Katniss and her family live in district 12, they used to live very poor, until Katniss won the hunger games now her and her family live in the victors village with he partner victor Peeta Malark.
More about Katniss She is the main character, she has black hair that reaches down her back, she is a sharp thinker and is quick to think about things twice, she can work her way through the trees and is a genius at archery. She will also do anything to save the ones she loves. She is also a protagonist
Peeta Was in the games with Katniss and loves her. He has blond hair. He is a main character and he is a baker and an artist he is in love with Katniss and will do anything to save her. And he knows that putting her needs before his own, but he know Katniss just wants to be good friends. He is also a protagonist
Haymitch He is an old victor who won the games a couple years before Katniss and Peeta, he was the only one who won from district twelve in his year, he’s a mentor to Katniss and Peeta. He is bitter at times which causes him to have a drink or three and is the toughest mentor on Katniss but truly cares her deeply. He is an minor character.
Finnick Finnick won in the games a while back he is from district 4. He won his games because the arena that he played in was like and island and he was an excellent swimmer, and he killed his competitors by a sea trident. He is a minor character he is tall with brownish blond hair and broad shoulders. He is allies with Katniss and Peeta and protects them in the games. He is a possible antagonist
Mages She is the oldest victor in the games. In he district reaping she stepped in for her daughter when she was called to do the games. She is allies with Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta. She is a minor character she is tiny and wrinkly and has gray hair and can somewhat walk without a cane. She is a static character
Figurative lan. Similes- He rose like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. He ran like a house on fire. It hurt like a fire ant sting. It burned like raging forest fire. P.118 Metaphors- I'm the mocking jay and it's too hard keeping me alive as it is." (pg. 388
Figurative language Imagery- “He dives and surfaces, spraying water out of his mouth, rolls over and over in some bizarre corkscrew motion that makes me dizzy even to watch.” Page 213.
Falling action The falling action is not in this book because there is another book but the story ends by; The Games take a drastic turn when a plan by Katniss’ alliance to wipe out some of the reaming players goes wrong. Katniss blows out the force field of the arena and is knocked unconscious. When she awakes she learns that she was rescued from the arena by rebel forces, of which Haymitch and the head game-maker are a part of, along with two others in her alliance. Peeta, however, and two others were captured by the Capitol. She also learns that her home, District 12, was destroyed immediately after she broke the force field in the Games. Katniss learns that Haymitch knew about everything all along, but kept it from her and Peeta and told everyone in the alliance to keep it from her as well. Everyone went out of their way to protect her because she needed to be their pawn and she needed to be their symbol of rebellion, their mockingjay.
Citations Pictures- Katniss-mages Google images Information on falling action- Setting-Google images Information on figurative language- Catching fire by Suzan Collins