Blue Jay English A successful small business
What is Blue Jay you ask? Blue Jay English is a private English language school. It is located near both schools in Suchy Las so students can go there right after lessons.
History of Blue Jay Blue Jay English was founded in 2011. The company’s name comes from the name of a bird. Blue Jay is blue and it is very talkative. We can find them in Canada and the U.S.A. but also its variety lives in Suchy Las.
Who learns in Blue Jay? Generally everybody can learn in this school. In fact, the main age group is 7-14 years old. Nearly one hundred students attend classes here. Students like to come to the lessons and teachers really enjoy teaching their students.
An interview with the owner
Some photos Kids making fruit salad Works of children
Thank you for your attention! Made by Kajetan Wachowski Thank you for your attention! If you want to know more about Blue Jay, visit its website: