Database Fields for DR PNDRP January 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Database Fields for DR PNDRP January 2014

Database Purpose Collect data about existing, proposed and pilot demand response programs for portfolio analysis, e.g. use in the Seventh Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan Does not: Comprehensively look at Demand-Side Resources, e.g. non-responsive energy shifting or energy efficiency Collect historical use of Demand Response for adjusting loads

Coordination with Existing Data Data sets include: FERC-731 NERC DADS WECC Database EIA 861

Initial Cost Data Data that are used in the cost of “building” DR programs: Capital Cost Incremental Purchase Size Max Available Capacity

Program Definition Data Data that describe the type of DR program: Resource Life Program Type Expected Opt-out Percentage Forced Outage Rate Automated Response Aggregated Demand Resource Dispatchable

Deployment and Operating Cost Data that describe costs incurred for deploying or operating the DR program: Capacity Payment Rate Energy Payment for MWh Curtailed

Event Data Data that describe the response when an event is called: Potential Peak Reduction Minimum Reduction Maximum Reduction Minimum Increase Maximum Increase Maximum Duration of Event Minimum Duration of Event Required Advanced Deployment Notice Energy Payback Multiplier Specific Event Limits