Thankfulness Why? 1) To honour and acknowledge who God is – he is worthy 2) It promotes humility 3) Stimulates faith 4) Encourages contentment
Thankfulness Being Thankful How? We’re Dependent We’re Responsible The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives Us working on growing our relationship with God Ps92 & Dt6:7 ‘Morning & Evening’ Col 1:3 & 4:2 Example & Command Being Thankful We’re Dependent We’re Responsible
Thankfulness 2 Examples: 1) Daniel – Giving thanks in all circumstances 2) 1 (of 10) lepers – In response to God’s goodness & mercy
Christians have reason to be, and should be joyful Why? Kingdom of God is amongst you (Jesus) Kingdom of God is … [a matter of] righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) Christians have reason to be, and should be joyful I Thess 5:16 “Be joyful always” Phil 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say Rejoice”
Joy Being Joyful How? We’re Dependent We’re Responsible The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives Us working on growing our relationship with God It’s a decision of the will far more than it is a passive emotion Being Joyful We’re Dependent We’re Responsible
Joy Possible stumbling blocks: 1) Unconfessed sin (cf Ps:51:12) 2) Misplaced confidence? 3) Time of discipline (Heb 12:11) 4) Trials of faith (Job)