Animal Husbandry Std: 8th Sub: Author:Ujwala Sanjay Salunkhe.
Use of Animals: To provide Meat ,Eggs ,Milk as a food . To farm work ,to produced fuel like Biogas from cow dung. To produce good fertilizer. Skin of dead animals are used to make useful articles like belts,purses,jackets,wallet,horse’s harness,footware. Bones of dead animals used to make fertilizer know as bone meals,needles,combs,ornamental articles, glue , etc.. Gut of animal used to made cords used to stitch cuts made during surgery and for making strings of string instruments.
Use of animals The hairs of neck and tail of camels used to making paint brushes. Animals fats is used for making soaps, candles , grease and in garment industry. To carry messages and to travelling.
Concept of Animal Husbandry An Animal Husbandry included : Food of an animal . Shelter of an animals. Health of an animals.
Food of an Animals Main food of cow , buffaloes , horses are grass , straw horse gram. To give more and qualitative milk cow and buffaloes fed supplementary food like Ambon that is fermented mixture of oil – cake , grain meal and jaggery. Oxen and horses fed oil – cake of cotton or ground nuts seeds and grams respectively to make animals strong and robust.
Food of Animals 4. Animal used for there meat like Pig are given rice husks , bone meal and left overs from our food. Goats are given wheat husks , corn , linseed , oil-cake. Broiler hen’s food is available in market . Generally animals need dry feed equal to 2 to 2.57 lit of their own body weight Animals need enough clean , cold water for drinking.
Shelter of Animals Animals sheds should be on high ground in dry place. The area of shed should be such as to allow animals tied there to move comfortably. The flower of must be slope and concreted to allow urine to flow away. Through meant for feeding the animals should be properly built. The roof of shed should give them adequate protection from sun and rain. Drinking water should be kept closed to the shed .
Health of Animals To keep our domestic animals healthy ,following precautions must be taken in the consideration. The floor of shed should be regularly washed with germicides to prevent diseases and to protect the animals from flies fleas and gnats. Animals should be dewormed regularly. Animals must be protect from ticks. Animals are necessary to vaccinate properly to prevent diseases. regularly on which medicines are not available. e.g. birdflue,ranikhet,rabies etc.
Crossed strains of Animals Technology has been developed for hybrid plants and animals The yield and profit from such animals is greater . E.g. an Indian cow yields 5 to 6 lit of milk every day .if she crossed with jersey , Holstein bull the yield from the offspring rises to 10 -12 lit daily Some crossed breading cows on national level from Maharashtra . Kandhari Devani Khilari Dangi
Occupation complementary to Agriculture Animal husbandry is a complementary business to farming It include Keeping sheep Poultry Seri culture Pearl farming Pisci culture
Sheep rearing In sheep rearing farmer does not have to incur of any expenditure to feed them . Sheep give wool ,meat and skin. One Indian sheep gives 1,5 kg wool 10 to 12 kg meat. There is nitrogen ,phosphorus and potash in the excretes of sheep than in that of other animals.
Poultry farming In poultry two types of hens are kept , Layers – they lay eggs. Broilers – they give meat. Layers hen’s They are of foreign variety called the white Leghorn. Each hen need 125 grams of nourishing diet everyday and lay 200 to 250 eggs in one year. An egg of such hen had no possibility of obtaining a chick so it is called table egg.
Poultry farming Broilers They eat more food so that they gain more weight in their fleshy parts The varieties preferred for this are the Rhode Ireland, red and white leghorn In period of 8 to 10 weeks their weight becomes 1300 to 1500 grams This birds are preferred for eating .
Pearl Culture Pearls are used for making ornaments and decorative articles as also in embroidery .They are in great demand. Pearls are obtained from marine animals called oyster. A technique for inserting a grain of sand inside the oyster’s body at right time Cultured pearls are not artificial pearls.
The Lac Industry Lac is sealing wax used in offices to seal envelopes. Lac is attractive red coloured materials secreted by the lac insect .These insect live on the cactii or palas tree. Lac is only produced in India . Lac is also used for making a variety of beads and costume jewellery.
Seri Culture Seri culture is profitable business Silk worm obtain high quality silk fibre. There are two types of silk worms. Silk worm that eats mulberry leaves they form vary fine variety of silk . Silk worms that eats ain leaves they form strong silk called to tussore silk. Life cycle of silk worm : There are four stages in the lifecycle of silk worm Egg Larva Pupa Imago (Adult onoth)
Silk formation In the larva stage the silk worms need the leaves to eat . The salivary glands that opens into the mouth of mature larva secretes a sticky substance. the reaction of that substance with air changes it into thread. The larva winds that thread around itself to form cocoon. The cocoons are boiled in water to obtain silk yarn.
Pisci Culture Man has been eating both fresh water and sea fish . The desire variety of fish are grown from their seeds in the sea or in other water bodies and are used for eating. The government makes good quality fish seed or spawn available for the purpose . Some fresh water fish are Katla , Rohu , Mrugal , and Carp. Some sea fish are boi (Mullet fish ) , Muddushi (Shell fish) ,Renavi and Khasi .