Validate device bundle example Devices on FHIR Validate device bundle example
Participants Track lead: John Rhoads (Philips) Stefan Karl (Philips) Sylwester Gryzio (Kainos) Krzysztof Suchomski (Kainos) Iryna Roy (Gevity) Michel Rutten (Furore) Rien Wertheim (Furore)
Device Bundle Patient Object graph Device DeviceComponent Physio Monitor DeviceComponent ECG CardioTach DeviceMetric Physio Monitor DeviceMetric ECG CardioTach Observation Physio Monitor Observation ECG CardioTach
Device Bundle Profile Similar structure! Patient Profile Device Profile DeviceComponent Profile Physio Monitor DeviceComponent Profile ECG CardioTach DeviceMetric Profile Physio Monitor DeviceMetric Profile ECG CardioTach Observation Profile Physio Monitor Observation Profile ECG CardioTach
Tooling limitations Uploading the example to Simplifier breaks cross-references, because server assigns new resource ids Workaround: validate on local machine Validator does not yet support slicing on profile HACK: manually assign unique entry id’s in the example, then slice on entry id
Results With some hacks, we managed to successfully validate (part of) the cross references This proves to us that FHIR supports the (complex!) Device profile use case We learned about some tooling limitations that we need to fix Simplifier .NET Validator