just “teachem” Lauren Faucett ITEC 7445 Dr. Moore November 12, 2012 Emerging Technology
Teachem What is Teachem? Teachem is a free online web site where You Tube videos can be used in combination with your own to construct online classes. Classes can be set as private or public. Several teaching and learning aids are available on the site, such as ‘SmartNotes’ and flash cards. A section titled “Create an Exam” is scheduled to release later this month. It is a great tool for delivering flipped course content of all subjects.
What is teachem cont’d. Click on the image below to watch a short video about the ways Teachem can be used.
The idea behind “flipping the classroom” Flipping a classroom is essentially the reversal of traditional teaching methods. Instead of lecturing done at school, it is done at home. Tutoring or “homework” is done at school. *With my proposal, Teachem will be used primarily at school.
The technology vision of Cherokee county schools “The Cherokee County School District adheres to the belief that technology should play a vital role in meeting the needs of the broad range of abilities, disabilities, cultural backgrounds and ethnic populations represented in our district schools and communities.” “The primary goal of K-12 technology is to improve student learning. All students will have opportunities to utilize educationally significant technologies for participation in the global society and economy of the twenty-first century.” http://portal.cherokee.k12.ga.us/departments/technology/Documents/StateTechPlan-2011-2014.pdf
Teachem supports our technology vision cont’d. Teachem supports our district’s use of technology because it allows students to access an engaged learning experience at any time or any place. As a flipped classroom becomes more prevalent, Teachem is a great resource for teachers to efficiently put together lessons, modules and units for students to complete at home.
Teachem supports our technology vision cont’d. This technology puts the students in control of their learning outside of the classroom, as the lessons can be rewound or replayed as needed. Access is universal. Using Teachem, students are able to dig deeper into the content they wish to learn more about or feel they need more information on, essentially differentiating their own learning.
Teachem supports our technology vision cont’d. Whether in the classroom setting or at home, when using Teachem, students are receiving opportunities to utilize educational technologies. Through these opportunities, they will be better prepared to participate in the global society of their future. While used at school, this technology can effectively meet the diverse needs of all students.
objectives The main objective in using Teachem in the classroom is to increase student success through the use of technology as an instructional tool. Also, it will allow teachers to put together video lessons efficiently, permitting more classroom time for quality project and inquiry-based learning activities.
Key benefits Each student can learn at their own pace, in the comfort of their own home (if able). Teachers free up time in the classroom, that can now be used for individualized instruction and authentic learning activities. By choosing parts of YouTube videos, along with their own, teachers are spending less time planning and “re-inventing the wheel.” The teacher now has more time to create/implement project/inquiry-based learning opportunities where the students can showcase their knowledge gained from the on- line lessons.
Target population Cherokee County has over 38,774 students, with 31.03% on free/reduced lunch. With this demographic, access to internet in all homes is not likely, which is why I am proposing using this tool within the schools. Because of the discipline required and the technology skills needed to navigate, the target population would most-likely be middle-grade students and above.
Target population cont’d. Ideally, a 1:1 technology model would work best, but any classroom that has the access to enough technology or has adopted BYLD policy would work great. Pilot classrooms should be implemented to test out its effectiveness. Many Cherokee County schools have 2 full computer labs, and many teachers already have a class set of laptops. All teachers have a laptop, and many have iPads as well. Every classroom has 5 student computers. Several schools have started to adopt the BYLD strategy.
Equipment and Software Teachem is a COMPLETELY FREE, web-based tool. Access to 25 or more computers or learning devices with wireless capabilities Since it is web-based, wireless access is required for each computer/learning device. Headphones are needed with each device, as students will be learning at many different paces.
Technical support Cherokee County provides excellent technical support within our technology department for any hardware issues that arise. The site itself provides a list of tutorial videos to show how to navigate and use the site, and also to answer common questions. They also provide an email for any other questions or problems a user may have.
Technical support cont’d. Teachem has created a “school” of their own where they have created several videos for FAQs and how it all works. Click on the image below to visit their Teachem school!
limitations If Teachem is utilized at home, each student is required to have access to an internet- accessible device. At school, the students will need to have access to an internet-accessible device. If students are creating and posting their own videos, there could be a safety/legal issue. As long as students keep from posting their full name along with their video it shouldn’t be an issue. The settings for the school could also be set to private.
Cost of the technology This web-based tool is absolutely FREE! If this technology proves a success, there would be hardware requirements. A 1:1 model would require internet- accessible devices for every student grades 6-12. These devices do not have to be computers, so cost could be minimized by purchasing tablets. Since Teachem will not be used all day, in every class, a team of teachers could share a class set of tablets.
Costs of technology cont’d. www.CNET.com, a credible source for tech product information, rates the Samsung Galaxy Tablet relatively high The cost starts at $199 per tablet.
Potential funding sources Several Cherokee County schools have foundations to raise money. Teachers can create a proposal on DonorsChoose.org There are many companies that have grants available for technology in schools (Each grant listed below is linked to their website to find out more information) IBM Reinventing Education Grant Cisco System Inc. Grants Verizon Foundation Computers for Learning
How can teachers use this technology? Using Teachem, teachers can teach content standards by creating online lessons with videos for any subject. Teachers can browse Teachem’s library of videos by subject/content/concepts to watch videos and/or add them to their own “school.” Teachers can use this technology on its own to create lessons, or within a project/activity, such as a WebQuest. Videos and “schools” can be embedded into class or teacher websites.
How can teachers use this technology? cont’d. Teachers can create time-stamped flash cards that go along with the videos for students to read and/or respond to. Flashcards can be shared on social networks or emailed. Students are also able to utilize the “SmartNotes” feature of the site while watching the videos. SmartNotes can be emailed Built-in assessment tools are in the process of being formed and should be available soon.
How does teachem promote specific learning goals? Teachers can create a “school” where videos are posted to meet their student’s specific needs. The videos can be used to introduce a concept. When complete, students will use what they have learned in a project-based, authentic learning experience that promotes higher-order thinking. In this case, the teacher will take on the role of a guide. The final product can be published on a class wiki, where peers can collaborate with one- another. By utilizing the flash cards feature, teachers can pose higher-order thinking questions for kids to respond to.
differentiation Learning can be differentiated with Teachem by posting various videos on a topic within your school. Students may choose which videos they would like to watch, which would be differentiating by choice. You may assign each student a video to watch and learn from, based on achievement or readiness. You may also want to “jig-saw” a unit, where each student would be assigned a topic to learn, and present to their peers.
Communication/ COllaboration Through the use of the flash card feature, teachers and students may communicate with each other throughout the video. The fact that this technology can be accessed from any wireless capable device/ anywhere with wireless network, allows students and parents to watch the videos whenever they like. In this way, parents are able to learn the content that their students are and discuss it with them. At school, students can communicate with each other on what they’ve learned from the videos. Students can collaborate with other students anywhere in the world by posting their own videos on the site, and providing feedback for each other.
Research evaluation Since Teachem was established in 2012, there is not any research available on the effectiveness in the classroom. Although, all the press on the technology tool is positive. According to coolest-gadgets.com, “Teachem offers a unique opportunity for organizations, universities, companies, teachers or anyone that has some expertise in anything and wants to share it with the world.” (Julie, 2012).
Research evaluation cont’d As stated on toonaripost.com, “Teachem is also a huge win for learners as it allows them to create any school of their interest and use YouTube’s 700,000+ educational videos as their own classroom. Since teaching is the best form of learning, by creating teachem classes they will not only learn the information but actually retain it.” (TP Newswire, 2012). I agree with this statement. When students create their own videos to share with peers, they will be teaching the content. I believe when a student is able to effectively teach a concept, they have mastered it.
Research evaluation cont’d On freetech4teachers.com they mentioned “Teachem isn't a revolutionary tool by any stretch of the imagination, it's basically another way to flip your classroom. That said, Teachem it could be useful for organizing short review or introductory activities for your students.” (Byrne, 2012) I also believe that it could be useful for introductory activities or review. This technology tool promotes engaged learning and would work well in combination with other tools in a project- based learning experience.
Professional learning Teachers will need to be trained on the use of Teachem as an effective technology tool for use in the classroom. This can be quickly implemented during daily planning time. With the tutorial videos and Teachem’s “School of Us”, teachers should be able to train themselves in the use of this technology. After all, this is the point of the website! The site and registration instructions should be provided in this case. If tablets are purchased, teachers will need to be trained on the use of these tablets.
reflection Originally I thought that Teachem would be a great technology tool for my students to use at home for extra help. After trying the site out for myself, I realized that it could actually be an excellent tool to use in collaboration to promote higher-order thinking with a student-centered, engaging, and authentic learning experience. I plan on using this technology in my classroom within WebQuests, or in small group instruction. It is so interesting and exciting to see the paths that education is taking. With all of these new technologies, teachers will be able to integrate technology and take learning to all new levels!
Works cited Byrne, R. (2012, October 12th) Teachem- Another Way to Comment on Educational Videos. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Free Technology for Teachers: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2012/10/teachem- another-way-to-comment-on.html Julie (2012, October 3rd). Teachem’s School of You, Makes You The Principal. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Coolest Gadgets: http://www.coolestgadgets.com20121003teachems-school-principal/ Newswire, TP (2012, October 3rd). Online Classes Made Easy By Teachem. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Toonari Post: http://www.toonaripost.com/2012/10/us-news/online-classes-made- easy-by-teachem/ Ramly, S. (2012, September 17th). Flipping the classroom. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from TheEconomist:http://www.economist.com/node/21529062