Programme Director for Spiritual Care and healthcare Chaplaincy Ewan Kelly NMAHP Programme Director for Spiritual Care and healthcare Chaplaincy Mobile no. 07908257527
What we did - Values Based Reflective Practice (VBRP) Trained chaplains to facilitate VBRP Group reflective practice on a case study Participants – notice and wonder. Only presenter can realise Insights: NAMV Whose Need(s) were met during the encounter? What does this experience tell me about my caring Ability? What does it tell me about Me? What questions does it raise about my Values (that inform my attitudes and behaviours)? With whom did the power lie in the case study? Whose voice(s) dominated or had most value? Whose voice(s) were not heard or undervalued?
Achievements – VBRP Within Scottish Healthcare Chaplaincy Community Evaluation of impact of regular participation in VBRP: Deepened person-centred practice (95% somewhat or a lot) Enhanced relationships within teams (85% somewhat or a lot) Promoted engagement and fulfilment at work (83% somewhat or a lot) Development of pilots across NHS Scotland - healthcare chaplains facilitating inter-disciplinary group VBRP Written into Staff Experience workstream of Scottish Government’s Person-centred Health and Care Delivery programme Focus for learning events in health boards – ‘Enhancing Patient Experience’
Challenges - VBRP Chaplains not just for the religious Time out from practice – VBRP requires minimum 30 mins plus trained facilitator Chaplaincy capacity issues – transforming culture Strategic issues – chaplains being strategic
Lessons Learned Wait for and then ride the right wave Collaborate and share early Not the answer but one of a suite of resources in post Francis environment Integrate into bigger picture Relational persuasion Keep knocking at doors
Next steps/future opportunities Embed and upscale in health and social care with SG funding For example, chaplains to train, support and supervise other healthcare educators/practitioners in VBRP Integrate into formational education as well as ongoing re-formational training