Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: 1. Background and Justification The Labour Act (1992) has a provision of the fixation of minimum wage on the basis of recommendations made by the Minimum Wage Fixation Committee. The first Wage Fixation Committee (1965) fixed the wage rate considering the subsistence need of the workers, their efficiency and paying capacity of the industry. The rising cost of living was met by dearness allowance. But the subsequent increments were based mainly on the influence of the workers representatives in the tripartite committee responsible for the fixation of wages. Minimum wage in the informal sectors has big problems to implementation in Nepal. Tripartite meeting has held and declared minimum wages should implementation in each area. But in informal economy market has the huge problems to implementation. So now days National Center trade unions are rating to common issue to be implemented.
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: Justification The long working hours, low payment, Gender discrimination in wages, no minimum wages in the informal sector and non existence of any social security.
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: Target group This work-plan is targeted for : Daily wages workers in informal sectors Parties involved Government Trade unions of national or local levels
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: 3. Objectives This work-plan will contribute to: Enhance the capacity develop for implementation and wages settlement of the daily wages workers . Strengthen the knowledge, understanding and create awareness of the Economic and social rights of daily wages .
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: Activities The Centre Union Planning commission meeting will conduct for the approval of this program. Planning workshop for program preparation among the head of leaders of each affiliates. Curriculum and Training Manual will be prepared by JTUCC Education Department. Three days training program will be conducted for the selected participants. ( Five different times )
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: Each participant has been made plan for the local level in his/her area. Prepare & distribution Handbill & Posters for the daily wage workers . Awareness campaign. Lobbing & Pressuring to the local Government Authority to implement the Minimum wages for the Daily wages. Strengthen relationship with Centre level Trade union and employer.
Minimum wages implementation in informal sectors: 5. Achievements Increase union membership Increase the number of committee of our affiliates JTUCC Central level training programme will be conducted Local level programme will also be conducted Gain knowledge of minimum wages implementation, its relevant identify capacity building needs informal workers to improve the effectiveness of their participation development and implementation.
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