CEP I1 April 9, 2014 Youngsoo and Jasmine
Let’s brainstorm (1) Let’s brainstorm any verbs we have learned or talked about in class. Write them on the board. 3 people come up to the board and write. Rest of the class can yell out the verbs!
Let’s brainstorm (2) Now, let’s look at these verbs and see what the past tense would be. What are the patterns here? Add –ed Add –d Irregular verbs change into something different
Let’s brainstorm (3) In most cases, you need to add –d or –ed to make the verb into past tense. This is called the SIMPLE PAST TENSE. We use this to talk about actions done in the past. Present progressive: he is walking to the door. Simple present: he walks to the door Simple past: he walked to the door.
Let’s read and look for verbs (1) Turn to page 35 in your textbook. Let’s look at 1) “Oum Kalsoum”. Each person read 2 sentences out loud. When you see/hear a past tense verb, UNDERLINE THEM.
Let’s read and look for verbs (2) On page 36, #2, categorize your underlined verbs into REGULAR and IRREGULAR verbs. Remember, -d and –ed are regular verbs and words that change completely are irregular verbs.
Let’s read and look for verbs (3) Look at #3. Use the cues to make questions about Oum Kalsoum by using the information in the reading passage. Work in pairs as A and B. A should ask the questions for questions a), c), e) B should ask the questions for questions b), d).
Let’s read and look for verbs (4) On your own, complete #4, the passage, with the correct form of the verb. Some answers may be negative. Now get in groups of 2 or 3 and discuss your answers. Do you agree or disagree with the answers? Raise the question to the class!
Let’s read and look for verbs (5) Now that you’re familiar with past tense verbs, let’s try a small conversation. My question to you: “Tell me 3 things you did in the weekend in complete sentences. Tell me a few details about the things you did”.
Pronunciation of past verbs (1) Let’s say these words out loud I talked to my friend yesterday. => talked I lived in New York City for 3 years => lived He recorded my favorite TV show => recorded What do you notice here? Do you hear any similarities or differences between these 3 words?
Pronunciation of past verbs (2) There are 3 ways to pronounce past tense verbs /t/ after voiceless sounds: talked, helped, wished Voiceless sound: – p – k – s – ch – sh – f – x – h -- th pronounce ED as “T” /d/ after voiced sounds: performed, lived, listened Voiced sound : – l – v – n – m – r – b – v – g – w – y – z – and vowel sounds pronounce ED as “D” /Id/ after –d and –t ending: wanted, recorded, visited
Pronunciation of past verbs (3) Let’s try the handout!