Political Consolidation in 19th Century Europe and North America 24.0 | As stated
Nationalism People joined by common language, culture, history, et cetera Feel that they should rule themselves (France) Opposed Congress of Vienna 1815 Monarchies’ response to nationalism Enlightenment and liberalism Belgium 1830
Liberalism sweeps Europe Attempts to reform governments fail (CoV) Economic downturn Decembrist Revolt Russia 1825 Nicolas I’s Tsarist autocracy dominates Revolutions [Belgium; France Les Mis] 1830 Compromise in Great Britain 1832 Exemplary liberal state
1848: The Year of Revolutions Since 1789, nations in Europe pushed for change via revolutions 1848 saw liberal and nationalistic revolutions across Europe America too, succumbed to sectionalism brought on by the times By 1861 America would fight the Civil War Canada was divided by its new rule after 1763 Upper Canada (British) and Lower Canada (French) The Canada Act 1840 = virtual autonomy – foreign policy
The end of the “Revolutionary Era” 1776 and 1789 set a mood of revolutionary fervor 1848 ended this mood “Revolutions” must become political
The Crimean War 1854-6 Several things on the table Russian and Ottoman tensions in the region British and French interest in the Mediterranean Prussian and Austrian political clout Russia invades; Britain and France back the Ottomans Results Russian invincibility [since Napoleon] shattered Concert of Europe [CoV and honeymoon] shattered Ottoman weakness
Italy becomes Italy The fragmented states Italy and issues Piedmont-Sardinia and Count Camillo Cavour Aligned with France to gain assistance in unification Plotted war with Austria (influence in Northern Italy) P-S and Austria go to war 1859 [Northern Italy gains] Nationalist zeal in Italy would slowly unify the regions 1870 all of Italy unified
Germany Becomes Germany Wilhelm I (r. 1861-1888) Otto von Bismarck [Junker] Prime Minister France as threat to German unification Prussia/Austria = Keep France weak “Blood and Iron” War with Denmark [Schleswig-Holstein] Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 Treaty of Versailles 1871 [Germany]
The Balkan “Powder Keg” Austro-Hungarian Empire Issues with ethnicities (two crowns) The Ottoman Empire too Nationalist tensions and separatism Greece 1832 Regional autonomy
Zionism and the Jewish Homeland The Babylonian Captivity and Titus 70 AD Jewish persecutions throughout history The Dreyfus Affair 1894-1906 The Jewish “homeland” Hungarian Theodor Herzl f. 1896 Zionism and the Jewish state in Palestine