Exposure is the total light being captured by each frame. Determines the appearance of tones and colors in your shot. Affects the amount of detail visible in the shadow and highlight regions
product of the intensity of the light as interpreted by: EXPOSURE IS: f-stop (iris) shutter speed (frame rate) product of the intensity of the light as interpreted by: filters (ND or other) iso (speed)
Light meters measure intensity and calculate f-stop & shutter speed Incident meters measure light falling on an object Spot/reflectance meters measure light reflected from an object
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER HOW TO: SEKONIC LIGHT METER SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 1 Set the ISO (speed) in the small window in the center circle
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 2 Hold the light meter next to your subject, and point the white dome directly towards the camera lens
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 3 Press the silver button in the middle and release to measure the intensity of light, indicated by the red needle in foot-candles (fc)
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 4 Adjust to outer dial until the black triangle points at the measured intensity
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 5 Read the inner ring to find your desired shutter-speed, and the outer ring to find the corresponding f-stop
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER HOW TO: SEKONIC LIGHT METER SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 6 Make these adjustments on your camera to obtain proper exposure
SEKONIC INCIDENT METER STEP 7 Repeat steps 2-6 for every new setup or lighting change. If bright, use the high-slide and read intensity from the red triangle (with an “H”)