A simple approach to creating Strong Writing The PEC Method A simple approach to creating Strong Writing
Ways We are Asked to Write: Short responses (often one paragraph—very focused and concise, often several at a time). Timed (on-demand) Writing: full essays written under time constraints (often one period) Process Papers: full essay, research projects or papers, etc…with time for reading, research, drafting, revision, etc…
P = Point This is your point(s) of argument. It may be the thesis/claim of a whole paper, the topic sentence of a paragraph, and/or smaller claims/assertions made within a paragraph. It must be clear for your reader to understand! It must be a direct response to the writing prompt.
E = Evidence Evidence is the outside “proof” that will back up your point. Evidence may be a variety of things (e.g. examples, observations, paraphrase/summary, etc…), however, it is most often quotes. Quotes are also known as textual evidence. Quotes must be cited. Quotes must not “float.”
C = Commentary Your explanation of how the evidence supports your point. Works to “prove” your argument. Does NOT explain what the quote means (assume the reader got that!). Makes the connection between your point and the evidence. Answers the readers “So what?”
PEC Patterns in Writing The PEC Method can work as a checklist to be sure your writing has the important “pieces.” You can pattern paragraphs in certain orders of P E C, but there is no absolute pattern that is “right.” Different teachers may ask for specific patterns to be used. The “rules” of writing will change each year as you become better writers.