THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN. John 2 Verses 12-25 Lesson 4 “That you might believe.” By Becky Kew Published at
After the first miracle the Lord Jesus did, he and his brothers and mother and disciples went to Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus found the temple full of people buying and selling oxen and sheep, the temple had become a market. He put some small cords together and drove the people out and over threw the tables and the money.
He said, “Don’t make my Father’s house into house of merchandise He said, “Don’t make my Father’s house into house of merchandise.” John 2:16 What did he mean by this saying? Was he wrong to show anger? Can the Lord Jesus make mistakes?
Look up 1John 3:5 The Jews that witnessed Jesus do these things in the temple and questioned him by saying: “Prove to us that you are who you say you are, show us a sign.” John 3:18
Some people need a sign in order to believe what God is saying. Look up John 20:29 What does the Lord say about this? He wants us to just believe his word.
The Lord Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John 2:19
What was the Lord Jesus really saying?
What does it mean to have faith? Vs. 23 says that many people believed on the Lord when they saw him do the miracles. What does it mean to have faith? Look up Hebrews 11:1 And verse 6 Romans 5:1 Ephesians 2:8-9
We exercise faith every When you sit in a chair, you have faith that the chair will hold you up. We exercise faith every day in so many ways! Doesn’t it make sense to put your faith in someone who keeps all of his promises, cannot lie, and will never fail you?
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What does verse 24 and 25 mean? Look up Isaiah Chapter 17:9
The Bible says that our ways are not God’s ways The Bible says that our ways are not God’s ways. His ways are not our ways. All that he does is ALWAYS RIGHT! The Lord Jesus was separate from sinner’s. (Holy) yet this is who came for and this is who he loved! YOU AND ME!