Chapter 7 Evaluating Information & Avoiding Plagiarism
Being an Honest Investigator
Finding Trustworthy Information CRITERIA Factual? Reliable? Well-supported?
Finding Trustworthy Information Current? Verifiable? Fair? Comprehensive?
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Reject claims based solely on anecdotes
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Reject claims based solely on testimonials
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Reject claims based solely on opinions
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Find more than one source
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Examine Opposing Viewpoints
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Be cautious in using polls Did you vote in the last election?
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Recognize the fallibility of experts M.D. = Trustworthy expert?
Applying Critical-Thinking Skills Beware of groups with misleading names The National Wetlands Coalition
Analyzing Internet Sites
Analyzing Internet Sites Don’t be swayed by widespread dissemination $12 billion?
Analyzing Internet Sites Watch out for Web manipulation Always use high-quality wax
Analyzing Internet Sites Don’t be dazzled by high-tech design
Analyzing Internet Sites Investigate sponsors and authors -- Author credentials -- Background information
Avoiding Plagiarism
Avoiding Plagiarism My painting Your painting?
Avoiding Plagiarism 1st type: Wholesale copying
Avoiding Plagiarism 2nd type: Cut and paste
Avoiding Plagiarism 3rd type: Unacceptable paraphrase
Avoiding Plagiarism Giving credit to sources Round 1: Give credit as you proceed through your speech We call this oral source citations
Avoiding Plagiarism Giving credit to sources round 2 Provide a handout listing sources (Can you say Bibliography….)
Avoiding Plagiarism Giving credit to sources 5th method: Display all books, articles, and photos on a table for audience inspection
Copyright Infringement Be careful with copyrighted material
Tip 7.2 Be Specific when Citing Internet Sources