Get the most out of Twitter #Hashtags HOW TO: Get the most out of Twitter #Hashtags
One of the most complex feature for new users to understand is the hashtag A topic with a hash symbol (#) at the start to identify it. A way to organize topics A way to find topics in a search
Hashtag? Allows you to create communities of people interested in the same topic Users must put the # before a word in order for it to be searchable They are not an official Twitter function Company doesn’t create Users create
Identifying Hashtags What the Trend Twubs This useful little service makes it easy to learn about trending hashtags Twubs Uses a wiki system to disseminate information on a hashtag Shows you tag use overtime and recent tweets
Tracking Hashtags What’s buzzing on Twitter right now? Twitterfall If you are tech journalist, marketing professional, or a person interested in trends Twitterfall Track tweets from hashtags in real-time Provides graphs and information on top hashtags
Using Hashtags 1. Don’t overuse them Give your hashtag context UNWRITTEN RULES Now Written 1. Don’t overuse them If everyone of your tweets is a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness. Give your hashtag context Most people won’t know what it means Give a quick explanation in one of your tweets Be sure it adds value for yourself and your followers Best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information Conferences, major events, and reminders will help organize specific tweets
Organizing Hashtags If you are putting on an event or want to start a conversation Choose a singe hashtag early Make it simple Easy to spell As short as possible Remind about the hashtag constantly On your website Twitter feed Throughout the day Provide a website widget An easy conversation tool on your website Widgetbox Tweetgrid
How To: Post a Message
To send a direct message via the web Sign in to your Twitter account. Click on the gear icon and select Direct messages from the drop down menu. (You can also click on the envelope icon on your profile page). You'll see a pop up showing your direct message history. Click the New message button. In the address box, type the name or username Tip: Make sure that user follows you. You can only send a direct message to your followers even though you can receive messages from all users you follow. Enter your message and click Send message.
To delete a message via the web Click on the gear icon and select Direct messages. (You can also click on the envelope icon on your profile page). You'll see a pop-up showing your direct message history. Click the conversation you'd like to delete. Locate the message and hover your mouse over it. A trash can icon will appear. Click it. Click Delete message. Please note: Deleted DMs disappear from both the sender and the recipient's history. If you are missing DMs, check with the person you messaged to verify that they deleted the DMs you are missing.
How To: Use Twitter Lists
What is a LIST? A list is a curated group of Twitter users. You can create your own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on that list.
NOTE… Lists are used for reading Tweets only. You cannot send or direct a Tweet to members of a list, for only those list members to see.
To create a list: Go to your Lists page. This can be done via the gear icon in the top right navigation bar or by going to your profile page and clicking on Lists. Click Create list. Enter the name of your list, a short description, and select if you want the list to be private or public Click Save list. Note: List names cannot exceed 25 characters, nor can they begin with a number.
To add or remove from your lists Click the gear icon drop down menu on a user's profile. Select Add or remove from lists. A pop-up will appear displaying your created lists. Check the lists you would like to add the user to, or uncheck the lists you'd like to remove the user from. To check to see if the user you wanted to add was successfully included in that list, navigate to the Lists tab on your profile page. Click the desired list, then click Members. The person will appear in the list of members. Note: You cannot add yourself, or a user who has blocked you, to a list.