Assemblies Topic: SPOTY TODAY S5/ S6
It is essential, therefore, to apply as soon as possible. Edinburgh College Applications for courses at Edinburgh College, beginning in August 2017, are now open. There is no set closing date. Courses will close once a maximum number of applications has been reached. It is essential, therefore, to apply as soon as possible.
S5/S6 – Ernst Young Opportunity For all those that signed up for this please join the Edmodo group using code below. ntzd9x
S4 Students Queen Margaret University Academies If you are interested in applying for one of the QMU Academies, please collect an application form and information leaflet from Guidance
Mr & Mrs Wednesday 15th March- 7:30pm Your favourite teachers are tonight's entertainment for only £3! Tickets on sale (at lunchtimes in atrium)
NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN!! Nominate your winner now @ Sports Personality of the Year Pupil Volunteer Staff Volunteer of the Year Coach of the Year Nominate your winner now @ School Website/Twitter/Atrium Stalls
RESPECT It has been reported that a few students are using the toilets in an unacceptable and unhygienic way. Please respect your school and use these facilities in an appropriate manner so they are in working order and left in a tidy condition. This situation will be monitored.
YOU WILL NOT BE COURSED IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS WITH YOU. Senior Phase Coursing Reminder to all students in S3, S4 & S5 that you must complete the Reflective Exercise you will be given through PSE (or Register class) before Coursing week begins. As you will not be pre-advised of your appointment time you must ensure that you have the Reflective Exercise with you at all times during this week so when you are given your appointment time you will have the Reflective Exercise with you. YOU WILL NOT BE COURSED IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS WITH YOU.
IMPORTANT Ground Floor Lockers Work on the Atrium has been postponed so anyone who has the following lockers can now use them again. W1 to W19 GT1 to GT15 G245 to G332 Can all students who use these lockers please make sure they are emptied again before the end of day on Friday 24th March. Anything left in these lockers will be removed after this date.
LONDON DANCE TRIP JUNE 2017 The next payment of £140 is due by Friday. Can all dancers please ensure that this is handed to Mrs Shankland in the PE Department
N5/Higher BIOLOGY STUDY SUPPORT WHEN: MONDAY 20th FEB 3.30-4.30 WHERE: room 106 TOPIC: general support
Could the following pupils please meet in room 012 at 1 Could the following pupils please meet in room 012 at 1.05pm on Monday 20th February: Aliha Butt Caitlin Fourie Olivia Muirhead Ryan Wootton
S2 and u15’s Leicester tour meeting at short break today in room 231. All players must attend for important forms that need to be filled in.
An evening of Scottish and South African Music, Dance and Drama Please join the South Africa Committee and our visitors from Umlazi, South Africa in a special evening of music, dance and drama. Wednesday 22nd February at 7pm Assembly Hall Tickets £5/£3 All proceeds raised will go towards supporting arts programmes in Umlazi, South Africa. See Miss Simpson or Mr McKay for more information or tickets. Tickets also available in Atrium at interval and lunchtime.
Important Message for Pupils with Lift passes Can any pupil who was given a lift pass for an injury, please hand it back into the medical room before the end of the day