Land Use Challenges In Maryland Today


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Presentation transcript:

Land Use Challenges In Maryland Today MACO Mid-Winter Meeting January 2011

Many Challenges Have Been Long Standing Protecting our quality of life for all residents How to best manage growth How to preserve land, communities and ways of life Balancing environmental protection and growth Transportation networks and needs Funding and financial stability

Past Decisions Have Set The Stage For Today Funding of federal highway system opened land for development State regulations in absence of local action Comprehensive plans and local zoning State support for of Smart Growth, land preservation and redevelopment “Flush fee” for the Bay Restoration Fund Reliance on gas tax

Economic Conditions Remain Dominant Consideration Protecting Investments

Encouraging Investments: Commercial And Residential Development

Avoiding Speculation and Potential Abandonment Revitalization and sound land use planning are fiscally responsible

Protecting the Bay And Our Environment Have Economic Benefits

Need For Funds To Address Local Concerns Roads Stormwater Management Waterway Protection Schools


Agricultural Economy And Heritage Growing Conflicts between farm and non-farm activities with more development

Maintaining a Balance Between Jobs and Housing Creating jobs without causing greater congestion on the roads

Do economic development goals drive land use decisions? How much growth is needed and sustainable? Are there cross jurisdictional impacts and chances to coordinate where there is growth? If we foster greater density, is there adequate school, road system and sewer capacity? Does allowing sprawl or place greater fiscal strain on governments ?

Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs) Improvements are needed to State’s water quality Requirements have been set by the EPA Setting the “pollution diet” for the Bay and all of its watersheds Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) set for 4 sectors: Waste water treatment plants Stormwater Agriculture Septic systems

Problems With Large Storm Water Management Facilities Stream Erosion Mosquito Habitat Maintenance Costs Construction Costs

Micro-Bioretention A planting bed with a mixture of sand, soil, and organic matter which filters stormwater runoff.

Impacts And Considerations Of The WIPs Counties are important part of state effort If plans are inadequate – state and EPA will make decisions TMDLs will drive land use decisions Clash between revitalization and stormwater management regulations Supporting areas already developed; not driving growth to areas served by septics and wells State legislation in place to support implementation Critical Areas, Stormwater Management, Septic upgrades Will be expensive to implement so is best to direct and refocus development where it exists

Maryland Transportation System Aging Infrastructure Cannot add road capacity without great cost Has been largely financed by state’s gas tax

Reductions To Highway User Revenues In FY 2011 -71 Reductions To Highway User Revenues In FY 2011 -71.7% From Mandatory Funding Levels

Aging Population and Changing Lifestyles Suggest Less Reliance On Motor Vehicles

Transportation Needs Need for holistic and regional transportation approaches and solutions Reducing travel distances for commuting to work and for personal, social and recreational needs Must preserve transportation options Must consider environmental and economic impacts

Effectively Measuring Success Are we making progress toward our land use goals? State law requires reports on certain indicators Are the indicators the correct ones and how should they be used? Should state rewards, resources, and benefits be tied to performance standards?

Delegate Steve Lafferty Thank You ! Delegate Steve Lafferty 6 Bladen Street, Room 306 Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-841-3487 Annapolis 443-413-8718 Cell