Shaping the CREATE ‘Guidelines’ Workshop preparation SEG members are invited to read these slides before the Toulouse meeting. This will support the interactive workshop session. Thank you! CREATE SEG – 16 October 2017 – Toulouse
Shaping the CREATE Guidelines - workshop The Guidelines are now known as Insights We have incorporated many suggesions from the Lisbon SEG March 2017 and user needs assessment The project expects to produce about 80 Insights related to evolution in transport policy and measures related congestion reduction Offering practical tools, quick wins, long term strategies for take up by other cities They will be made available via an online forum Each insight will be composed of a Title; Teaser and Insight (approx 2 pages) We propose to group them into 5 categories for ease of reference The following slides illustrate the 5 categories and sample Insight Titles to give a flavour of the contents (and the outputs of the CREATE research so far)
The 5 Insight categories Category CREATE Principles CREATE Technical Guidance Notes CREATE Experiences and Storylines CREATE Policy Practice and Delivery Notes City Futures Description Definitions & characteristics of the CREATE stages, evolutionary cycle etc. Measuring congestion Data & indicators by stage Analysis and forecasting Appraisal and business case development Pathways (Past) City examples of the evolutionary process Roadmaps (Future) Practical measures to initiate change from Stage 1 to Stage 2 to Stage 3 How can emerging mobility, planning or technological solutions help tackle congestion, and take a city from Stage 3 to Stage 4?
Sample of CREATE Insight Titles CREATE Intelligence Notes CREATE Technical Guidance Notes CREATE Experiences and Storylines Definition & Characteristics of Stages 1, 2 and 3: Policies and measures listed by stage How have stage 3 cities collected data over time in a consistent way? How has this been justified? Making the most of public statistics. Road space reallocation from car to public transport, walking and cycling. Progression to Stage 3 measures in Skopje, Tallinn and Bucharest. Definitions & Characteristics of Stage 4 What is congestion? What are the different ways it can be measured and presented to support policy goals? How interventions and policies influence individual travel behaviour over a long period of time in Paris, Berlin, London, Vienna, Copenhagen. Self-Assessment Tool to classify your city’s stage More insightful and comprehensive indicators of urban network performance - illustrated with data from selected cities Experiences of tackling traffic congestion and accommodating population growth via an integrated and vision-based set of Stage 3 policies and measures: London case study CREATE evolutionary cycle: how modal share for the car increased from stage 1 to stage 2 but decreased to stage 3. How to define and manage transportation in the city geographically – inner and outer areas. The impact of parking management (prices, capacities, regulation) on car use is visible in almost all study cases.
Sample of CREATE Insight Titles CREATE Policy Practice and Delivery Notes City Futures Loan financing from EBRD, EIB and World Bank for new public transport fleets, infrastructure and rolling stock to accelerate city progress to Stage 2 What societal and behavioural developments could change the landscape for transport? How to maintain public cycle participation during periods of elevated car traffic growth: Copenhagen example What might land-use planning look like in future and how would this affect transport? How to unlock private sector investment to support sustainable transport and infrastructure measures and hence city progress to Stage 2 and Stage 3. Tallinn example How can cities create the best environment to allow shared mobility to flourish? Preferred city locations for experimenting new transport technologies and services: Living Labs How to deal with densification of cities and increased population growth.