Plug-in Framework ETICS All Hands – 23-25 October 2006 Marc-Elian Bégin ETICS WP5 Leader CERN
Content Goal Examples Architecture Organisation of work Profiles
Goal Provide a framework for common actions to be performed during build and test execution Separation between specific build and test execution and analysis and metrics collection Provide open interface for users to register their own plug-ins to be executed during build and test Provide raw data for build and test and repository services
Not necessarily coupled to target module Examples Static analysis Single line of code count (SLOC) Cyclomatic complexity Depth of inheritance IPv6 compliance Check style Dynamic analysis Code coverage Memory leaks Test execution Java: junit C++: CPPUNIT (CPPTEST) Python: PyUnit Shell: shutil Script/Executable Not necessarily coupled to target module
Architecture Overview Raw data generation Modules Plug-ins Config File Build and test data model Framework CLI
Draft interface Each plug-in implements the following interface getPluginInstance(): provide info about which target this plug-in contributes to, and how it can be used register(): registers for profile(s) and target(s) init(): initialise the plug-in and its environment execute(): execute the plug-in stopExecute(): stop executing the plug-in publish(): harvest and publish to a known location the results of the execution finalise(): finalisation of the plugin (only called once at the end of the process) This mechanism support cascading plug-ins (e.g. coverage -> test execution) Arguments are provided via the target string definition
Loading procedure Plugins are provided as Python modules or packages They must be copied into the ‘plugins’ directory in the ETICS client standard directory structure
Organisation of Work Proposed in Bologna Framework: WP5 Definition and implementation of the framework Integration of the framework into the CLI Specification: WP4 Tools to be used as plug-ins Specification of inputs Specification of output and possible transformation into ETICS standard formats Plug-in implementation: WP3 Implementation of the plug-ins, including integration with underlying tools Registration and management of the tools and plug-ins Implementation of the data transformation (if required)
Plugin Matching Plugin matching algorithm Plugin User Plugin registers which target(s) of which command(s) (i.e. VCSCommand, BuildCommand and TestCommand) applies to Plugin advertises for which profile it applies User using ‘profile’ field of ‘configuration’, user specifies profiles (comma separated string)
Plugin Matching (2) Example junitPlugin Registers with ‘test’ target for ‘BuildCommand’ and ‘TestCommand’ Advertises for profile ‘java’ MyModule.HEAD: profile=java Result: junitPlugin fires for the target ‘test’ for both build and test A plugin can also contribute to another plugin PyCoveragePlugin contributes to PyUnitPlugin
Profiles Should we introduce high-level profiles? Java Python VCS e.g. ‘java’: junit + coverage e.g. ‘python’: pyunit + coverage e.g. ‘cvs’ cvs Java Python VCS junit pyunit cvs svn Coverage: corbetura Emma Coverage: pycoverage Cyclomatic complexity: toolX toolY toolA toolB