SE 3800 Note 7 Planning, Impediments Ch. 3 Dr. Rob Hasker SE 3800 Note 7 Planning, Impediments Ch. 3
Ch. 3 Discussion In class-exercise: assign sections to pairs
Shortcut 7: Scrum Staging Keep the team together Easy in school, very difficult elsewhere Everyone else wants good people, too! DeMarco & Lister: 3 person-months lost for every new team hire The team which sits together works together Estimates are estimates “How long will it take to do this month-long task”? If want estimates to be perfect, go find a doghouse to build.
Shortcut 7: Scrum Staging Sustainable development 80 hour work weeks accomplish about the same as 50
Shortcut 8: Sprints & Planning Month-long sprints: minimal overhead, but low response Intense pressure to add PBIs Pre-sprint planning PO: all PBIs available w/ some acceptance criteria May even create initial set of test cases Ensure have explicit sprint goal Can have PBIs not in goal, goal specifies priority
Shortcut 8: Sprints & Planning What is the team capacity? # team members * 40 * weeks? What about planning, review, retro? Production support: just move out of sprint Textbook: use historical data to establish reasonable expectations per day – for example, 6 hrs/day per developer
Shortcut 8: Planning PO uses velocity to determine PBIs to consider Sizes already specified! Team considers each PBI in turn Estimate hours per task, refine PBI size Repeat until full capacity PO might not be present, but available for ?
Shortcut 8: Planning What’s a task? A small, testable slice of a PBI Limit to 6-8 hrs – probably 3 in SDL Each task performed by 1 developer only Or developer pair! Remember to include tasks for review prep That is, time to set up demo for review What to do w/ small amts of extra capacity? Just allow team to add next PBI w/ no intent to complete Preferable than digging down for small PBIs
Shortcut 8: Planning 7 P’s (British army adage): Keep track of sprint planning goals: Ensure all stakeholders know where the priorities are, what is going to be done Is this the real plan-driven development? Proper planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performance.
Executing Sprints What is the primary goal of the sprint? How many PBIs open at any time? Dangers of one PBI per person? What is the priority in the last days of the sprint? What is swarming? When to swarm? Who should swarm? Dangers: not completing PBIs, only one person familiar with each
Shortcut 9: Impediments Definition: event that impedes any developer from working to anticipated sprint capacity. Common impediments: Large magnitude meetings Unrefined product backlog Not needed for Scrum teams! Absent or unempowered PO Individualistic incentives Business meetings a necessity “Disney trip for top developer” Illness – go home! Individual-based performance reviews Broken builds Issues with tools No ‘I’ in ‘Scrum team’ Unreliable/overburdened supplier
Shortcut 9: Impediment Control Keeping impediments from taking over: ConTROL 1. Confirm Raise issue when found Track, monitor each 2. Triage Tackle 1 or 2 at a time 3. Remove Seek outside help? Make a PBI? 4. Outline Keep POs, sponsors in loop 5. Learn Analyze impediments in retrospective Goal: minimize impact when reoccur What is triage in the medical world?
Shortcut 9: Impediments Impediment vs. blockage Block: stopped progress on task, but blocked task not slowing down overall progress Often: newly identified task dependency resulting in waiting for another task Critical issue: ensure blocks are visible ScrumMaster: needs to know, needs to know plan to clear blockage
Ch. 3 Review 7: Setting the Scrum Stage Collocate teams, minimize changes 8: Plan the Sprint, Sprint the Plan Sprint length Realistic sprint capacity Structuring sprint planning 9: Incriminating Impediments Definitions: impediment, block Types of impediments to watch for How to ConTROL impediments